Da-Sha Thomas
University of West Georgia
Da-Sha Thomas
Dustin Killpack
UWG 1101
October 13, 2014
My College Experience So Far
My college experience so far has been very interesting. I thought I was going to not like college because I heard it was way harder than high school. College is actually not as bad as I thought it would be. In college, I met a lot of new people and made amazing friends. I was able to meet my old friends from my high school too. It made me happy to see everyone that I knew from my high school last year.
Before attending college, I had a whole bunch of expectations for college. One main thing that I expected was to have a lot of papers and school work every day. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to handle all the work that my classes give me. Not being able to talk to my old friends was another thing I expected from attending college. I didn’t want to lose communication from my close friends that I usually text and talk to on the phone every day. I also expected to be lonely and sad to be away from my family.
Now that I am in college, most of my expectations that I had in the beginning, were completely wrong. I realized that I don’t get that much papers and school work all at once. They are all evenly spread and sometimes on lucky days I don’t even get homework to do. I managed to focus on my college work and have time to talk to my old close friends from back home easily. I thought I was going to want to be home all the time, but it is actually fun to be on campus. I felt I was going to miss them a whole lot more than I already did.
Now that I think about it, college has surprised me in many ways. I never knew that teachers can cancel class whenever they wanted to. I thought they can get fired for doing stuff like that. Another thing that college surprised me about was that you make your own schedule, not the university. That means that you can pick what time you want to go to class and what days you want to go. That is a pretty cool advantage of being in college because in high school they have to make your schedule, based on your choice.
My expectations for the rest of my college semester is to have more friends, get better grades, and have a part time job. Having a part time job, will keep me busy and help pay my college tuition. I always wanted to have a job because it would make my mother proud to know that I have a job while attending college. During the rest of this semester, I’m a try my best to study hard to get good grades and to have a high GPA. Having a high GPA means I have a better chance to get into the nursing school I always wanted to be in.