Diversity: people have things in common with each other, they are also different and unique in many ways. Diversity is about recognizing and valuing those differences.…
Diversity means difference. It is about recognizing the different needs and preferences of an individual and accepting them. This could be related to their culture and personality or just their preferences. As well as many other factors. Everyone is different.…
Diversity is the range of different things, it includes important and interrelated dimensions of human identity such as race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity and expression, socio-economic status, nationality, citizenship, religion, sexual orientation, ability and age. Diversity is valued because, it is associated with understanding how multiple identities relate to patterns of socialization. Diversity builds up the intellectual, emotional, moral, religion, of the community. Without diversity, every person in the world would be the same.…
Diversity is the cultural, moral and lifestyle differences in our population around the world. Diversity is valuable because we would live in a very bland world without it. Customs and tradititions we share are what makes us al different. Learning about eachothers cultures is helpful as well, as everyone can benefit from learning something different and possibly find something relatable to our own cultures and backgrounds.…
Diversity- recognises that all though people have thing in common they are also different in many ways. Diversity therefore consists of visible and non-visible factors which include personal characteristics such as backgrounds culture, by recognising and understanding our individual differences and embracing them we can create a productive environment in which everybody feels valued.…
Diversity means that we are all different. Although people have similarities we also have differences and are unique in many ways. Diversity is recognising and understanding our individual differences and embracing them. We need to be able to understand that everyone is different and value everyone’s differences.…
Diversity can mean many different things. The actual definition in the dictionary states that diversity is a range of different things/ the state of being diverse;variety. But in my opinion, diversity is a commitment to not only recognizing but appreciating or valuing the variety of various characteristics that make us as individuals unique in an atmosphere that promotes and celebrates individual and collective achievement.…
Diversity: Diversity literally means difference. Diversity recognises that though people have things in common with each other, they are also different and unique in many ways. Diversity is about recognising and valuing those differences. Diversity therefore consists of visible and non-visible factors, which include personal characteristics such as background, culture, personality and work-style in addition to the characteristics that are protected under discrimination legislation in terms of race, disability, gender, religion and belief, sexual orientation and age. By recognising and understanding our individual differences and embracing them, and moving beyond simple tolerance, we can create a productive environment in which everybody feels valued.…
Diversity means that it outlines the differences between people and the fact that we are all different. We all have characteristics that outlines us as individuals these can include age, gender, appearance, race, religion, all abilities as well as talents.…
Diversity means people being different and varied having unique and different characteristics, including cultural speaking different languages and ethnic backgrounds.…
Diversity is when individuals value other individual's differences and talents, making a society where everyone can participate and contribute.There are many different types of…
Diversity is about difference, and the value of diversity is the richness and variety that different people bring to society.…
To many in America, I am diversity. I represent a minority group, I am the exotic elephant in the room, and I am who companies include to up their diversity intake. My culture is the outline for my entire life; while it doesn't define me, it has changed and impacted my life is different ways. Diversity is the basis of all communities, and tolerance is a result of educating oneself on this topic. A group may be diverse in nature, but if not tolerant, they are not succeeding in being diverse in action. My life as an Indian-American student in a upper-middle class neighborhood may not seem to give much insight on diversity, but my experience has not been stereotypical. From an early age, my parents surrounded our family with Indians. It was not…
Diversity is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as “the state of being diverse” and “a range of different things”. To say that my family is diverse is an understatement. Not only do I have fourteen siblings, many of my siblings come from different countries, continents, cultures, and races. Because my family is large and multicultural, I have been exposed from a young age to the importance of diversity. Due to my early and prolonged exposure to diversity, I am no stranger to change and embrace it like an old, long lost friend.…
One blind spot I think I had at the start of the semester was the idea about disability. When you mention disability, I can honestly say that I always thought of the physical forms of disability. So when it came to helping accommodate for disabilities I would naturally think of things like wheelchair ramps or special seating in the offices. I never considered the fact that “invisible” disabilities were present in the workplace. Now when you say disability I think of not only the physical but also the mental and learning disabilities that can affect people within the workplace.…