I believe I know how God has designed me for ministry. This is made possible by knowing my divine design. Through mentorship and studies that conforms to the Biblical Model of discovering my design for ministry, I was able to determine my ministry direction. Knowing my divine design means knowing the spiritual and natural gifts that I am endowed with by God. I have been able to discover my God-given gifts through the use of tools I discovered few years ago. Even though I found out that I can operate in more than one gift, my dominant gift is teaching which is supported by other gifts like faith, help, service and passion. I also believe that my temperament (my unique, God-given inborn behavioral style) has helped me in my relationship with others especially in the ministry where God positioned me as a minister and a leader. I have not allowed life circumstances to limit my growth despite occasional failures and disappointments. I am happy that I know and love who I am.
My evangelism style is the intellectual and the testimonial styles. As a teacher of the gospel of Christ, I educate people about how they can know God and connect to His divine provision and protection. I also teach people about the power of prayer and that healings and miracles are still for our time. I believe that the best way to grow is to study the Word of God. Knowledge is power and that is why I believe any time spent in acquiring knowledge about the Kingdom is worth it. My method and quality of teaching have changed progressively as I acquire more knowledge through Biblical education.
Even though I am serving in voluntary capacity as a minister in a Church, I believe God is also equipping me to make an impact in the market place. My gifts have affected the way I relate with others and using my gifts has brought me joy. All the same, I desire to grow daily in knowledge as well as changing and developing