English 101-I
September 11, 2013
Personal Narrative (Rough Draft 1)
Home Ownership Can Be Rewarding
Have you ever drove thru a neighborhood, just passing by, looking at homes and saw that one home that you just thought was so beautiful and started thinking, “What if that was my home?” Well I have and my dream goal is to have my own dream home built from the ground. Building my own house is something to look forward to when branching off to begin a life with my growing family. One of the first important steps to take when planning to build my own house is to make a budget for myself. Having a budget before building my house allows me the freedom to make changes when needed, knowing what I have enough money to do.
First, I would have to calculate the amount of money I'll need to save to build a house. If I am financing the project with a loan, I'll probably need a down payment. I’ll have to keep this amount in mind to help me track progress in my savings. Also open a savings account specifically for money that will go toward building the house. This will keep the money separate from savings I have for other purposes, allowing me to better track my progress toward the amount I need. I can also set up an automatic deposit into the account at set intervals, such as once a week.
Second, move to a more affordable living situation now, even if it means going smaller. Put aside the difference between my old housing cost and my cheaper housing costs to save toward the new house. The living arrangements are only temporary and can get me to the point of building my new house faster.
Third, research land costs in different areas where I want to build. Choose a location that offers lower land prices to save on the overall house project. Start a second job, with all of the income going toward building a house. While the job will take away from my free time with my family, remember that it is only temporary to achieve the savings needed for the