The fantastic team work of Alan Jay Lerner and Frederic Lowe made My Fair Lady, an outstanding success in 1962.
The story revolves around Eliza Doolittle, an unmannered cockney flower girl from Covent Garden, who agrees to take speech lessons from phonetician Henry Higgins in order to full fill her dream of working in a flower shop and to increase her standard of life. He saw her as inferior, uneducated, annoying being without feelings. Act one introduces the concern to the audience of the social class. In my opinion, this scene is important, this gives the viewers the insight of all aspects of London City, and the introduction to the vibrant characters. Higgins is astounded with the speech of the British class system, a theme in the musical, songs, emphasise personality. The song “ Why can’t the English teach their children how to speak” sets the concept of the act. So obviously education reflects the concerns. Higgins’s concerns are that your ability in speech determines what rank you belong to in the British class system. Money is another important concern, we are introduced by the Eynsofrd Hills and Eliza’s father of how poor they are. This is shown in the start of the musical when Alfred Doolittle arrives at Higgins‘s house determining her whereabouts, not that he worries, he is obtaining money. The brilliant set of costumes is shown very well to reflect the 1990’s, they are dull, eye catching and just set the scene of the 19th century. Eliza shows that she is a very strong and powerful character. Quotes like “ I’m a good girl I am” show Eliza’s confidentiality and personality. Frederic Lowe played an important part in creating the musical. One thing that I noticed in watching the musical was the amount of smoking, smoking reflects the 1990’s.