i Transcript Form Reguest
Educated the 0utside U.S. forStudenti controt !v illtr ii-llIIIII Number cUNy Applrcation l a s r ' i a 0 p e a ' s 0 r c o i e ; e T r a r s c r , o U n a r h 5 h en l e , 'asrtapDears0n,c0rlegelra4scri0l-/.narl'sheet:
APPTJCAITI Afbryurhaws-ubmittedaCUl{YAdmisionApp1ication.plarerguirdtosubmit_ammp!'eteoffcia|transcdp^Vmarlshee,tfmme you attended the records colleges/universities outsideUS. issuing academic atthe responsible official Please this and itto office for completeform submit the ofExaminations. request shouldsent the form be to Controller For India this applicants inBangladesh, Pakistan, educated or
/ ct Address 'tl---2:11'*
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lyry- ful)t/ttfnaitAddress
# ld Attended Student / Roll at College PmgramStudy of
from DatesAttendance, of ploma/Cedif Earned icate DegredDi
Year Awarded
York. of ol f0The University l{ew City I authorize release ny records the gnatureApplicant; Si of
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ISSUING INSIIfl.MON WerequirethatacopyoftheircompleteacademicrecordbesentdirectlytotheUn TheabovenamedstudentisapplyingforadmissiontoCUttff Pleaseincludea Therecordshouldindicatethenameofeachsublecttaken,themarksreceivedandhoweachcoursehas ProcessingCenter(UAPC). lfthesiudentwasnotgrantedanymarkVcreditsordoesnothavearecordonfileatyourin staiementindicatingthegradingscaleused Anyadditionalinformationthatisrelevanttothestudent'sacademicrecordshouldalsobesent, statementexplainingthereason. stam/seal send b CUITIYAJAPC at the and lt envdope your witr institstion's record, them belmv, it academh place inasealed Please out informatjon attach tothe fill fre below' addreses
Mail Regular CUNYruAPC Admission lnternational Student P.0. 359023 Box NY 1235-9023 1 Brooklvn.
Form Name 0fficial of Completing Address Citv Telephone The named attended student above lnstrtut Name Your of on