Describe myself? I always think of this as an open question. There are so many different angles that this response can be written from. This statement is almost hard to answer. I would describe myself as an orange. There are many different connotations of orange; warm, energetic, happy, fun, cheerful, and alive and the list can go on. The qualities of the word orange are how I perceive myself. I think of myself as caring, thoughtful, gentle as well as outgoing, confident and hard working person. I am an optimistic person, always the one with the glass hall full and not half empty. Being optimistic, I always know that there are choices in life and sometimes everything doesn't work out.
The best quality I enjoy about myself is my passion and I have it with anything I put my mind to. In dancing I go above and beyond. It's almost like I'm a different person when I perform; I transform into my alter ego. I must be the best dancer on the team, or the one who comes up with all the dance moves. Dance has been a part of me since I can remember. This quality about me will never change or alter in anyway shape or form.
The Only quality about me that I can say I would honestly would change is my short attention span. When something becomes Old, boring or I just don't enjoy doing it anymore I do not want to continue. I like this least in myself because I feel you should always finish what you start.
Something that I would Love to see flourish is my passion for dance and singing. I want to be world known for these talents of mine because they are a gift. I want to perfect them and learn everything I need to know to better myself as time goes on.
Last but not Least my procrastination is