In this campus, I was given the subject HUME10. I had lots of impression about this subject before the start of classes. Before, I felt annoyed when I found out that I had this subject. It is because, its recitation class is scheduled on the early Monday morning and my friends from my Alma Matter in high school teased me of going here on Monday and on the fact that they aren’t. I even tried to cancel this subject and luckily I was not able to.
I started to like this subject from the very first day of the meeting. I never thought that there would be a subject that would focus on the sexuality in adolescence. I found it very interesting since I know that it would be very applicable to my daily life since I am an adolescent.
Right now, I can say that I have learned many things in this subject.
I have learned more about my sexuality and I can say that I can relate to some of the lessons discussed and that made me more interested on the subject.
I have also learned more about the adolescence period. We discussed about the different influential factors that affect our behavior attitudes and thoughts as sexual beings and adolescents. The changes upon us – feelings and moods, relationships with the social beings around us, feeling towards ourselves, intimacy on others, behaviors, aspirations, plans and many more - were highlighted
The subject also emphasized on gender. (Honestly, it is the only time that I found out that gender, sex and sexuality are three different thing. I always thought that they all meant the same.) We spent time of the gender expression and had lots of fun defining the differences between males and