Since January __,2014, I have been blessed to wear this beautiful crown and carry the title of Miss SVA .
This year has been nothing short of amazing since that crowning moment, I have had the time of my life. I love St. Vincent Academy, and I love this school, our alma Mater. Several events this year stick out in my mind that I will always remember and cherish: Working with the SSG, meeting the brightest men and women of our School who prepare us into college - Thank you, I am forever grateful for your service. I was also grateful to meet so many of these teachers at events all over, including a special event to celebrate the _____________(event)at ___________ (venue/date).
I couldn’t have done it without my heavenly father. He gives me the strength and guidance, unconditional love and grace to make it through every day with my heart in the right place. I wouldn’t have made it without the continual love and support from my family either. My Mom Dorothea L. Devero, my best friend__________, my assistant____________, my photographer____________, my everything, I would not be the person I am today without you. I credit every accomplishment to you and Dad Romeo Devero. You are the most beautiful person I know, and I love you more than anything. Dad-maybe one day we will tell you how much these dresses cost! I am so much like you Dad, you continue to inspire me to give back and do great things, as you lead by example. I love you both so very much, thank you for everything. Archie/Melvin - my handsome kuya’s. I am so proud of you, I know you are still my right hand. You are always there for me, thank you. I love you my kuya! To the rest of my family, you are all my biggest fans, you never miss a beat, or a picture. You all have loved and supported me since day one, and I wouldn’t have made it this far without each and every one of you. I love you all so much. To my close friends who stand behind me