Dr. Natalia Noland
English 1301
12 February 2013
My First Day at Work
When I was a kid, I couldn’t wait until I was old enough to get a job. Sure, it would be a good way to make friends and learn how to prepare myself for the real world, but for me, it was mostly about making my own money. Having to ask my parents for cash every time I needed some annoyed me, mostly because they’d always say no. Every time they did, I would always whine and complain about how different things would be when I had money of my own, how I would never ask them for anything, and so on. This wasn’t entirely true, but at the time it seemed like a smart thing to say. I must’ve applied to dozens of jobs, and when I finally got the email telling me that I needed to come down for an interview, I was excited. Sure, the job was only seasonal, but hey, at least I was finally going to have my own cash. After the interview was over with and I’d filled out the appropriate forms, I was ready to start my first day at my store, Things Remembered. My gut was all tied up in tangles as I nervously approached the store, hoping to make a good first impression. The store was bright, and the ceiling was covered in halogen lights that lit up the displays. Display signs littered the store to the point where they were almost overwhelming, almost as if the whole store was trying to yell out “Hey you, that jewelry box is free with every single purchase you make in the store! So buy something!”. Water globes littered the entire right half of the store; from waving cats to a snowman whose head was the water globe, that store had them all. Two people stood by the dog tag displays, arguing rather loudly about which dog tag was better. In the distance, one other person was frantically talking on the phone to a friend, practically begging him for help on what to get his wife for their anniversary. Unfortunately, as soon as I entered the store I ended up walking into a display sign. The