Colombo explains that college for the new incoming student, and even for the most experienced student, can be isolating, puzzling, and problematic. . The transition from high school to college can be rough and excruciating process for a student. College professors expects student to learn in a different…
In conclusion, this reflection on my first year as a UPEI student demonstrates how two semesters can affect one’s life. This memorable experience altered the academic and personal aspects of my life. It taught me priceless lessons that will help me to overcome future obstacles and to grow as a…
I vividly recalled my first day, I entered into a clamorous room filled with a myriad of students; a scent of freshly brewed coffee. I was an aghast student while standing…
First day of school of my senior year, a very big day, this is the last time I would walk the halls of Lee-Davis High School on a first day. Suddenly all the pressure starts to begin figuring out what goes on in the future. A big day with the realization that by June, I will be walking across the stage along with my fellow classmates and earning my diploma, also knowing that after that day I will not see 90% of the classmates in the near future. Although the last first day was a very special day with all the faculty motivating you, while at the same time bombarding you with questions of the future. My day and my whole life was greatly impacted at the blink of an eye when I was sitting in my science class, awaiting to find out who would be in my class and where I would sit.…
At the age of 18 years of life, in the year 2013, life presents me a new experience called: University. It is a new and great challenge, which will have as primary aim to become someone in life. University is the only place in the world where I will truly have the opportunity to realize myself on a professional way. In my case, Texas A&M International University will be my place where I will have the opportunity of learning to think and live. University is made up of a wide variety of subjects and classes, although each one of them is important, the English subject is fundamental. As a first grade college student, being this the first English class that I will have to take I am excited; I come with a great expectation of leaving behind my bad writing experiences; although a kind of weakness opaque my writing strengths I am going to take full advantage of each and every concept learn during the English 1301 class.…
On July 18, 2013, I decided to continue my education in college. First of all I imagine that college would be a very enjoyable experience. Start of the orientation time, I tried to greet anyone who might be a good friends of mine later. This is very important because I live alone with no families in Bandung. The next day, the teaching-learning process begins. Teaching-learning process in college is much more different than Senior High School. In college, we had to develop the lessons ourselves, because most lectures do not explain in details. If we don’t do that,,we will be confused and misunderstood the lessons. We also have to be able to set the time between tasks and participated in the organization. This hectic schedule sometimes makes a mess sleep schedule. But behind the challenges of college life I faced, I'm sure that I can prepare my future career and become a successful man through out college. Attending college allows students to learn new information, make lifetime friens, and prepare for a career.…
This was not the first day of school that I’ve expected. Everything here is just so different from what I have been told in the past. Students mocking the “honorable” traditions, making fun of the slogans, I don’t think I will get used to living here. Ever since brother attended this school, father and mother had been telling me all the wonderful things about this school and how they hope for me to one-day study here. It is just so frustrating to have such a brilliant of a man as my brother, everyone is expecting me to live up to his accomplishments and even surpass pass him; which I know that I will never be able to do. There was something interesting that happened though. This new English teacher Mr. Keating, he is just so different and odd but yet fascinating. I’ve never met a teacher quite like him before and to tell the truth, I’m actually quite excited to see him tomorrow. Today, he taught us an important life lesson, to always Carpe Diem, “Seize The Day”.…
I had been waiting for this morning to come for four years. In a few hours it came and went, but it was an important time in my life. Graduation day was the end of one life and the beginning of a new life with different problems, worries and joys. While walking in the theater, I had seen hundreds of parents, grandparents, children, and even alumni students’. My family was there, excited and cheering for me because I had finally made it. I was backstage getting ready for the walk on stage and thinking that I had finally reached the one day that would end college life and start a new life in the workplace.…
My decision to enter a Community College and to attend classes for the first time can be difficult or easy depending to my motivation. I opt to attend this community college of Denver. My choice is based on four aspects: advantages, location, cost and quality of education. I think the community college of Denver’s location is in a good place for me that will help me to go to school. I love to see all the interesting things around the campus, the campus is big with two others campus: Metro state university and Denver university, exciting and full of life. I often visit the Tivoli, the gym; I also visit the learning center. The advantage; I will meet different people, languages, and cultures. Even though my classes was dropped, I was assisting or attending classes because I knew or believed I will make it, the things I found in my classes, I got the good teachers, they are patient, they never rush us ( students ). The teachers explain everything I ask and make me understand better. In addition, I saw them being organized, they planned what happens in every class. They also encourage and help me and others students to understand the courses. Almost every class I have homework, some quizzes online to exercise myself to perform better. All my three teachers have each special qualities that I appreciate, they give me strength and love for my classes that why I never miss my classes, I think I will get my goal. I like all my three teachers. Let me talk a little about the reading, writing centers, I find people really servable, helpful, comfort, when I get there I have to write my name first on the list, I always be welcome there when my turn come I see somebody introduce me to a Tutor, a Tutor will greet me gently and give me a seat and he or she will ask me what concern I have then I can explain all my concerns, I really see myself being help. I appreciate them and I encourage them…
It is on August 27th, 2012 that I first went to my university. The impression of the first day completely made my heart miss a beat. I surprised because my university is not as large as I had expected. My university is a small block which is combined with two wings. One is called block A and the other is block B. Not only is the campus small but the parking space for students is also overcrowded sometimes. Despite lacking of land for more constructions, my university has its own distinguished features that are dissimilar to any other universities .So it is highly commendable that my university can seat as many as more than 4000 thousands students each years.…
The purpose of the article chosen for my assignment is to ensure that first year students are comfortable with the curriculum facing them when they enroll into a higher education institution. Having a curriculum that allows them to feel empowered will enable them relax and enjoy their first year of college. Less stress in a first year curriculum will provide the confidence needed to continue in a four year program, so that they can obtain a…
A lot of students enter their university life thinking they will enjoy themselves and they will have fun. University life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. As soon as students find out the importance and stress that is laid upon education they realize how difficult it is to survive in the modern world and how education can help them survive. Getting in to university in itself is a difficult task but getting through it is very very difficult.…
Students in a happy campus study together friendly and studiously. Although they may come from different places, they help each other in studying as well as in their life, and share ideas. They can play sports and take part in activities together after class. They practice much more than studying in theory.…
(magbiya gana yitekakelal) The following day is the beginning of my adult hood life or at least that is the way I look at it. It was the day I and thousands of students were going to join the Addis Ababa University. It was a very special day for me finally I was on my own no dad or mum behind my back to tell me what to do or how to act. That night was just dreaming about the as the darkness started to be overtaken by the beautiful morning sun, I was just lying in my bed listening to the birds singing and imaging what’s going to happen.…
As a student of MSU-IIT (Mindanao State University Iligan Institute of Technology) I have my day to day living inside the campus especially when it is school days. I encounter every day the usual life of a student attending his studies at one of the top university in the Mindanao. What is life inside the campus is the question which I want you all to know and I want to share to you. Well my life inside the campus always starts at the dormitory which I lived which is at a distance from the school vicinity and I used to have a walk in going to the campus but sometime I will take a ride in times of emergencies. When I’m already inside the campus my first destination every Monday will be the CSM (College of Science and Mathematics) where my physics lab class took place and every Tuesday and Thursday my destination will be CSM again for the whole day where my CHEM12 class happen in the morning with Prof. Barredo and in the afternoon is my MATH51 class with Prof. Tubo. After that day my schedule for tomorrow is quite fearsome for in the morning I will be in the College of Arts and Social Sciences attending my two subjects which are History 3 and English 2 with Prof.…