d) If the prescription is returned to the care setting, the manager or designated person should check the prescription to ensure that all the details have been entered correctly. If a discrepancy is found at this stage it should be referred back to the…
Tyslii is a 32-year-old AA female who presents to CRU from UPC. She is SMI designated with SWN as the OP treatment agency. She is on ACOT for non-compliant with COT plan. Per amendment letter, client missed her court appointment, and believes that her group home staff poisoned her food. She has called Police multi times. Upon admission, she is calm, appropriate. She denies DTO/DTS and AVH. Her vitals are within WNLs. Tyslii will benefit from meeting with the provider to discuss medication stabilization.…
D-The patient arrived on time for her counseling session. Reported stable on her dose and deny the need to alter her methadone, referring to a dose increase. According to the patient, she's clean for a month, at which this writer provided a positive feedback to the patient. Then the conversation shifted about the patient's father health. Patient reported, her father has a history of heart attacks, he's 74 years old, and the doctors placed a new stem to the heart. The patient discuss her feelings about her father's health and this writer validated her feelings.…
Lynn had a unrestful night and into the morning of 7/15/15. The morning medication was adminstered at 7:00 pm. Although Lynn had been given her morning medication and had eaten breakfast, she began requesting and demanding her 1:00 pm medication. At approximately 8:00 am, Lynn’s behavior escalated and she began to attack the support staff, DSP Clark and DSP Seay. Lynn pinched, scratched, chased, and threatened harm to both DSP’s. Lynn would demand medication and then have moments of sobbing cries, in which she would beg for an overnight stay at a hospital. A phone call was placed to Mobile Crisis at approximately 8:30 am. While on the call, case manager Angela Mullins completed an assessment of the behavior being exhibted by Lynn. CM A Mullins…
3. Something is missing from the scenario. Based on his history, L.J. should have been taking an important medication. What is it, and why should he be taking it?…
Pt. has been in the AMS of DE program for 2 years and 6months and is in phase 0. Pt. previously has phase 5 of the TX program but he lost his take home privileges due to being non-compliant with counseling for the month of November. Pt completed a take home request form and attended two group this month in order to return to his previous take home level 5. Primary Counselor encouraged Pt. to maintain appropriate contact with the AMS staff for any recovery issue(s) and continues skill training by attending AMS recovery groups and actively participating in all program activities. Pt. demonstrated good ability to balance work and treatment obligations. Pt. attended faithfully to the Clinic for dosing without skipping or missing days. Pt. reported…
According to the patient, she's always take her methadone daily and does not understand why it would be a negative. This writer informed the patient, " This was not the first time, you tested negative for methadone and it was dosed with your counselor." The patient then says, " I do not remember that.....I take my methadone....so, what will happen with my take home bottles." This writer informed the patient, this writer haven't heard anything from TEAM decision, but will advise the patient. This writer asked the patient…
D-The patient arrived on time for his counseling session. Reported stable on her dose and denied the need of a dose increase or decrease when offered by this writer. The patient shared her conflicting feelings as to whether or not she wants to move forward with her transfer to the Hartford Dispensary. According to the patient, this is the first time in a couple of years, she's been clean from opiates and believes it has something to do with attending the Women's Group and her counseling sessions with this writer. The patient says, " I like the fact (in tears), you stay on top of me......I am not sure if I will get that over there. I am scared." This writer informed the patient, she does not have to leave to CSAC if it's helping her and to…
1 General status, vital signs, pain and nutrition Name___Kayla Kristen Smith_____________ Subjective data Adapted from Weber, Kelly & Sprengel, 2014: Lippincott, with permission. Questions Findings Current Status 1.…
1. Which of the following medications would the nurse in-charge expect the doctor to order to reverse a dystonic reaction?…
The physician has indicated that if Darlene does not respond to medication over the next 2-3 days, he will order ECT. Darlene has a history of hypertension but has not been taking medication. On admission her pulse is 98, Temperature…
Clinician engaged individual in check-in of last weeks' events and emotions. Clinician asked open-ended questions to assess current level Individual is a 55 year old S/AA/M diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and Alcohol Use Disorder, in remission. Current symptoms include depressed mood, anxiety and aud. hallucinations. Individual is currently prescribed Amitriptyline, Lisinopril, Prozac and Trazadone. Ind. reports he is taking his medication as prescribed. Individual reports past SA use, but states he has not used alcohol in 3 years. Individual reports he feels "pretty good" since he obtained his disability and now he has medical insurance to receive proper medical care for health problems and can buy his meds. However, he feels some…
D-The patient arrived ten minutes late and apologized for the lateness. Reports stable on her current dose; however, will consider about tapering off on the methadone later this week. This writer addressed with the patient about the no show to the Take Home Group on 06/02/2016, according to the patient, she was scheduled for 16th and decided to not attend because she has decided to continue with daily dosing rather than applying for take home bottles as coming to the clinic gives the patient a reason to leave her house/ something to do.…