Using the Piagetian perspective, constructivism is applied (Ensar, 2014). Educational constructivism begins with the work of Giambattista Vico (Ensar, 2014). Ensar defines constructivism in four principles (2014). These principles are “prior knowledge,” accommodation and assimilation, learning has an organic invention, and “meaningful learning occurs through reflection and resolution of cognitive conflict…” (Ensar, 2014, p. 35). Vico’s belief in De Antiquissima Italorum Sapientia study, stated that “knowledge is something that is constructed by the learner” (Ensar, 2014, p. 34). Philosopher Rousseau also believed that “children absorb knowledge through their own sensory experience and learning only occurs by doing” (Ensar, 2014, p. 34). When I began teaching almost a decade ago, Rousseau’s belief resonated with my initial teaching
Using the Piagetian perspective, constructivism is applied (Ensar, 2014). Educational constructivism begins with the work of Giambattista Vico (Ensar, 2014). Ensar defines constructivism in four principles (2014). These principles are “prior knowledge,” accommodation and assimilation, learning has an organic invention, and “meaningful learning occurs through reflection and resolution of cognitive conflict…” (Ensar, 2014, p. 35). Vico’s belief in De Antiquissima Italorum Sapientia study, stated that “knowledge is something that is constructed by the learner” (Ensar, 2014, p. 34). Philosopher Rousseau also believed that “children absorb knowledge through their own sensory experience and learning only occurs by doing” (Ensar, 2014, p. 34). When I began teaching almost a decade ago, Rousseau’s belief resonated with my initial teaching