I agree with Jacques d'Amboise's explanation of education. Not all teachers are as dedicated and passionate as him, and I find it comforting to know that there are…
Teachers are like the water in a lake, and students are like the boats. The higher the water level, the higher the boat will be. When the lake decreases in depth the boats will sink lower. The analogy shows “Students float to the mark you set” (Rose 164). There are many examples of when I have floated to the mark set by my teachers throughout my education. Some were highly skilled and others were there to just give the lesson and go home at the end of the day. My experience with teachers that had no vested interest in their students was sub par. I dreaded classes with teachers that were not enthusiastic about teaching. Ms.Wennel was my Spanish teacher throughout high school. She was having family problems and her mind was pre-occupied with everything but teaching Spanish. Ms.Wennel was never available after school to help students if they were having trouble. Eventually I acquired the same mentality she had: get there, do what I had to do, and get out. The mark she set was low and that affected my mentality. On the other hand, the classes that I enjoyed and learned the most were the ones with highly motivated and skilled teachers. My sophomore English teacher just received her masters from James Madison University. Ms.Mulner came into school everyday with a smile…
Logically speaking, parents entrust their children's teachers a role they, the parents, were not trained for. Realistically, not only do teachers baby-sit many of their students, they are weighed down with responsibilities no lawyer or engineer will have to endure. Family and friends and teachers will influence the path a youth takes in life. He provides the fuel (determination) and the directions (knowledge) so the student can reach his destination. According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook 2002-03 Edition, preparing students for the future workforce is the major stimulus generating the changes in education, and teachers provide the tools and environment for their students to develop these skills. These are the kinds of teachers we are looking for, but if we want more highly certified teachers, then there must be a change in the rate of pay because higher salaries lead to more applicants, and more applicants mean more quality teachers.…
Ask a student what they think of teachers, and they will all respond with some despondent remark of the inadequacies of their mentors. In this sense, teachers are truly the most underappreciated of all professions. To teach is to guide, and to guide is to touch a life in such an impactful way that that life will never be the same again. A teacher nurtures and cares for a soul in the hopes that one day it will grow into an exemplar of the human spirit, in both intellect and character. In this sense, to lack a teacher is the greatest of all deprivations.…
Teachers are by far the single most important profession field in the world. They teach students how to think, how to do math, how to write, how to read and many other important life skills. What would happen if Educators did not exist? We would turn into a country like Ethiopia, one of the top 10 least educated countries in the world. This would be the downfall of our civilization. Teachers aren’t recognized enough for the time and effort they put into their teachings of their classroom. Education is important to any nation that would want its citizens to prosper and pursue a higher stand on education. Each profession occupies a specific niche in society, doctors cure, engineers design and bankers handle our cash. Teaching, however, stands out as a more prominent entity. Teachers instill the transcendent faculties of communication, decision-making and awareness of social responsibility. No matter what field we chose to pursue later on in our lives, we again turn to teachers for training. A strong information base and best-developed capabilities of knowledge and analysis are important for progress. These crucial responsibilities of knowledge instilment, kindling inspiration and encouraging creative though are all vested in the…
Looking back on my education, there are plenty of teachers that I felt were effective in getting me to learn material, but I will mention just two. Teacher A was my 8th grade and 10th grade math teacher. He didn’t necessarily make math easier in any way, but he made math much more fun because you looked forward to going to his class. Teacher A always used simple jokes, often requiring a very dry humor, which made me constantly pay attention in class so I could catch his different jokes. He also had the ability to demand respect in his class without ever really enforcing anything. He was simply such an amazing teacher that everyone respected his class and no one ever acted up. Teacher B, my 8th grade science teacher, also had a big impact on my education for the better. I enjoyed going to her classes because she was able to connect with me and a few of my friends on more of a personal level. She took an interest in our lives and made sure we were all on the path toward better futures. She, unlike Teacher A, demanded respect in her classroom in more of an authoritative way. Her students knew that if they acted up, she would not skip a beat to send them to the office, resulting in very few problems.…
I never liked classes where the teachers didn’t enjoy their job. You also need to show your passion for learning in the classroom, the more you make learning fun the more students are going to enjoy school. Another major characteristic of an effective teacher is being able to understand. You must come into school understanding that not all students have a good home life. You must be able to treat…
Outstanding teachers are patient, compassionate, and understanding. Teachers need to be patient to deal with students asking the same questions over and over again or students who are too hyper for the classroom space. If a teacher has no patience they will most likely have high stress levels or possible heart attacks. Teachers also need to be compassionate in order to make students feel comfortable in the classroom. If a teacher isn't compassionate, the students will not feel okay with speaking their mind or participating in class.…
John F. Check, Chairman of the Educational Psychology Department at the University of Wisconsin, took a survey discussing the negative and positive character traits of effective and non-effective teachers. A few of the negative traits of a non-effective teacher include, “inability to communicate; repetitive and monotonous; insensitivity; and unenthusiastic.” All of these negative character descriptions describe a teacher who has no concern for their students, and a large number of students will not pursue their fullest potential with a teacher who does not have high expectations for them. The fact that there are teachers all over the world who consist of these characteristics is an enormous issue. If extra effective teachers were recruited the students would be more responsive and their educational performance would improve. Many people have forgotten that college is for intellectual enrichment, but there are still a few who have not forgotten the true purpose for attending a four-year university. One of these people is Rebecca Mead. Rebecca Mead, a staff writer for The New Yorker, wrote the article “Learning by Degrees” to express her opinion that college should be utilized for intellectual growth to advance oneself. Well, if students were eager to listen to their educators teach, it would present them the opportunity to retain and value…
The teacher quality of today is much weaker than what it has been in the past. In his article A New Deal For Teachers , Matthew Miller explains the demand for good teachers. He informs his readers that many teachers aren’t actually teaching because that was their desired profession, but because it was a last resort, so they don’t care as much for the students learning. Another issue of the teacher quality is salary. Miller explains that in the 1960s and 1970s school teachers were all very talented women but higher paying careers were not open to them. Now that those careers such as a doctor or a lawyer are open to anyone they are often taken over teaching because of the huge difference in salaries. The difference of a lawyer compared to teacher is around $2,000 starting out but topping out at around a difference of about $110,000. However some teachers who actually choose teaching as their top profession don’t mind the salary difference, they look at the greatness of the students to be fulfilling enough for them with the addition of free summers. An additional issue is that not many of these types of teachers are in the poorer and urban school districts. A shocking statistic was that half of the new teachers will actually quit within three years and they are usually the smarter teachers.…
As I started to read this chapter I was fascinated by what types of genes there are and how they make a human but I haven't been able to quite understand each of them. On January 29th I found out the sex of my unborn child and was very excited when I read in the "Male or Female?" that the Y sperm with the SRY gene from the male XY shaped chromosome is what pentrated my ovum to create my baby boy who is due on June 27th of this year. While reading about "Additive Heredity", it helped me understand and learn more about where I got my height and other genes from. Growing up I was always told that I was going to get my fathers height and look exactly like him. Out of 5 of us kids, I am the oldest and the shortest. So people were wrong (laughing). I do look exactly like my father. I have his eye color (hazel), hair color/curliness, skin color, but unfortunately did not get his height like I wanted. I am 5' 1" , my two younger sisters on my mothers side who are 18 and 19 years old are both taller than me along with my mother being taller than me, and on my step mothers side, my 12 year old brother is almost the same height as me already and my 2 year old little sister is taller than usual. My mother always told me that I got my height from my Great Grandma and her 5 sisters, who are my Great Aunts because they are all 5' 1" as well. I don't mind it much anymore because our background is Irish which is where we get our heights and orangish hair-color from. I have become very interested in my Irish background ever since I learned I was Irish. But anyways, off topic let me get back to the chapter. In the "Alcoholism" section, I happened to get a little emotional with this one because I have a lot of experience when it comes to dealing with alcohol. My father was an alcoholic when he was with my mother and because of alcohol he began to beat both me and my mother. But what made me so emotional about this topic was because of me being a lot more like my father and looking…
There are many factors that contribute to what it means to be an effective teacher. They could be someone who has a deep understanding of what they are teaching and skills to create an ideal environment to encourage positive learning outcomes for students regardless of their background or ability (Victorian Department of Education & Training, 2005). They will have the ability to develop a variety of strategies and practices to support student’s learning through planning, implementing and evaluating their lessons and a positive philosophy on pedagogy. Some other factors that form a successful and effective teacher could include having a professional attitude, a variety of knowledge from a range of areas and exceptional planning and organisational skills. An effective teacher will have the means to…
Teachers do not make as much as they should. Students don’t care to learn anymore. And, schools are getting less and less productive and positive. Teachers shouldn’t have to worry about their salary as they are building individual children up to their true potential and they are shaping the creative minds of our future. President Barack Obama said, “We will transform our schools and colleges and universities to meet the demand of the new age.” (2001b) And, I haven’t seen a change. Students are no longer eager to learn as they were and as they should be. Teacher seem to be giving up. They don’t make as much as they should. And, students do not get to choose what they want to learn. As adults, you get to choose your path. Your job. Your house. Who you marry. Children are forced to learn thing that they may not need to know, or do not want to know. I believe when a child hits high school they should be allowed to change their classes to what they want to know, instead of what people think they need to know. Of course they will still need their core classes, such as math and english. But, it should be at a level of their understanding and goes with the choice they plan to go on with their life. Schools shouldn’t force the students into things they don’t want to do. Instead of forcing classes that are unnecessary. They should provide classes that will help them with their life outside of school. Teach them things, like how to buy a…
Teaching is undoubtedly an extremely demanding role to take on and as the quote by Donald D. Quin suggests, few are able to understand the pressures and stresses that this line of work brings. However, despite the intensity of this type of career, many are still filling up colleges and universities on training courses to do exactly this. Tony Buzan’s opinion above sheds light on maybe just a part of what drives people into assuming such a manic position in society. Training is a major part of becoming a teacher and all need this foundation to become the great teacher that they…
Reflection is an ongoing process of thinking about your development in relation to your work.…