In ‘My Last Duchess’ the speaker is the Duke who is speaking to the servant of the Count so that they can arrange another marriage for the Duke and the Counts daughter. I know this because the Duke says “The Count your master’s known munificence, Is ample warrant that no just pretence, of mine for dowry will be disallowed; though his fair daughter’s self, as I avowed, at starting, is my object”. On the other hand in the poem The Laboratory is spoken by a woman who is directing her eyes to an apothecary who is a chemist helping her make her poison. We can identify this “Why not soft like the Phial’s”, a Phial is a test tube and you can make an experiment by using a test tube in a laboratory.
‘My Last Duchess’ is set in Dukes house or either a gallery, we can tell this by “That’s my last duchess painted on the wall, looking as if she were alive, and there she stands. Will’t please you sit and look at her?” The Duke describes how people are surprised by her seductive, passionate glance, and he gets very jealous when people admire the painting. He decides to hide the portrait behind some curtains and he acts like he still owns her in the way that he would own an