craft about 2 years ago. Choreography was just in me because I always had a passion for dance. I started doing this because I knew the coach from summer bridge where I worked in the summer with incoming ninth graders she told me a little bit about her history that she use to dance at North Carolina A&T University Golden Delight. So I asked her for an audition to be a choreographer for her new team starting at collegiate, so I did that and she liked everything about me and thought I would be a good fit. So she had a good start with starting something great and I was apart of that. Now we had to find girls that would audition and all of my friends joined and they made the team, but I know that we were going to bump heads at some point in the season.
I just wanted to show them how to dance because I really love leadership. And being a leader I know everyone's strengths and weakness. so my friend Ashley Nesmith knows dances and choreography very quickly than others so I tried a different approach, I made it more and difficult and this makes me feel like I can do anything to help the dancers learn a high level of dance. People are very passionate about certain things so this is one of them for me but there are some challenges and issues when I started to teach dance some of them are my friends and I couldn't be there friend during practice because I’m here to teach them techniques. So this puts me in a different head space, like I had to separate things we all went through things and stop talking to each other at some point but I think it was very childish like but we got over that issues and I know that is what teams go through but we are all trying to be young adults about the situation and I just wanted to be the bigger person and I did that. Our head coach said that you all have to be bigger than each other because we are family and being a leader is a very big responsibility and I know I can take that role because my mom said I like to do everything myself and she was