For starters I am 17 years old. I lived with my mother for twelve years and visited my dad on the weekends. My dad has been in the military for 18 years and has served two tours over seas fighting for my freedom so I have always looked up to him. In 2010 I made the hard decision to leave my mother and move in with my dad. Now it’s the same concept, I live with my dad and visit my mom on…
I remember the night my dad left like it was yesterday, and I don’t think I will ever forget. I don’t remember what exactly it was that made him so mad but I’m sure my sister and I were fighting like sisters do. My only really vivid memory of that night was my dad hitting me so hard he left bruise marks on my backside. I could hear my mom and dad fighting so I knew my mom saved me again. Then my dad got really mad at her and he grabbed her by the shoulders and shoved her into the pantry door so hard that both my mom and the pantry door came crashing to the floor. When I got up for school the next morning my dad was gone. Some children aren’t as lucky though and Child Protective Services has to remove them from a bad situation.…
I was raised by my father since the age of 3. I had only seen her once or twice since she left, but I still somehow cared about her. I was on my way to the Sacator household when a good friend of mine ran up to me saying there was an issue with my mother.…
My mom was born in the city of Saigon in a family of fifteen. She is the second youngest child in the family. After the fall of Saigon, my mother’s family was actually sponsored by her third oldest sister to move to America as my aunt had been living there as a lawyer. Her family was way more prepared than my father’s family as my mother’s family was able to get to America by plane. Like my father, my mom started her journey in America in Louisiana. They had lived in New Orleans for a couple of months. It wasn’t until the family had traveled west in which they moved to Houston due to the sponsorship. My mother was around seventeen when she started school in America. She knew no English, but that didn’t stop her from excelling all her classes. While she was in high school, she met my dad as he was renting a videotape from her sister’s store. They ended up dating and both going to the University of Houston. While they were in college they got married. Right before she was about to graduate college in which she only needed to finish one more class, she ended up having me because of the honeymoon. After that, she decided to not finish college and stayed home to take care of me and then eventually my sister. My mom said that “I was a present,” but in reality, I was the accident…
My Dad had absolutely nothing to do with me from birth to when I turned 15 years old. I grew up with my Mom, and my one older sister. My Mom always had a really good friend whom I called my aunt, who helped her out for years and years. I became very close with her, and she would always help pay for expenses and would always come to extracurricular activities. Let’s rewind to my Mom’s life before kids. My mom did not live in a very good situation. Her Mom had 3 different men in her life and 4 kids from 2 different men. My Grandma slept with a guy at a party when she was dating somebody at the time, and got pregnant with my Mom. My Mom never knew her Dad and grew up thinking that her step dad was her actual Dad. When I was 4, my Grandma was dying of lung cancer when she told my Mom about her real Father. I never knew my Grandma, but I wish I had because I think I would be a different person today if I had a relationship with her. My Mom had 3 girls with 2 different men. Her first husband, was a no-good Father who went to prison so they got a divorce. My oldest sister left my Mom to live with her Grandma who bribed her into living with her, and my Mother was too young and dumb to stop it. I was an oopsy. At my Mom’s current job, she met a man who she must have had an affair with, and that is how I got here. I guess at the time my Mom thought she could raise me on her own and did not even try to get my Dad to be in my life. My Mom has had multiple boyfriends and potential husbands walk in and out of her life, but still has no luck with guys, and I keep hoping to myself that if she did, then she would be completely…
When I was only 4 years old, my mom died from leukemia. At that time, my dad still lived with us. He raised me until I was 6 years old, then got re-married and decided he didn’t want to take care of me anymore. His wife never liked me, which might be the reason why he left me after he got re-married. He sent me to an orphanage and I’ve never seen him again.…
When I first came to the United States my whole life changed completely. I came from a very poor town where basic needs are privileges and even though I didn’t know the language, the culture, and the people. I was not scared about my new life, my new beginning. When my mom and I got here my dad rented a house which was in very bad conditions. At that time we didn’t have anything, we slept on the floor for almost a month, we didn’t have any furniture and not even a car to go buy groceries. My mom was very disappointed because my dad has been living here for almost 10 years and he didn’t have anything yet. Besides all the bad situations, I was very excited because I was here in this powerful country where opportunities everywhere. After couple weeks I asked my dad to do me a big favor which was start the paperwork so I can get into middle school. At first he was mad because he told me that I didn’t need that, I was devastated about his reaction because I really wanted to go, but he refused to take me. Sometime after what happened my mom decided to take me to the school and start my education. I still remember all the…
The two essays I chose was “Homeless” and “ This old house: The heart is a lonely menagerie. As I was skimming through the different essays these two really stood out. The similarities and differences really bring the two stories together. Everyday people are put situations where they take life for granted.…
I remember I sometimes hated leaving my mom and dad. I wished I could be with both of them at the same time. Me and my sisters lived in a new house in Everett, with our then new Step dad, Mom, and baby sister Meghan. Whenever we went over to my dads, there was always something my parents were fighting about, whether it involved us or not, we would always get an earful from both of them. This point of their separation really affected me the most. I didn’t realize until I got older that we should have never been exposed to that part of their lives, considering how young we were. Another part of their divorce was dealing with a step dad I’ve never been fond of, and neither were my sisters. It was somewhat of a culture shock, him growing up in Mexico, and for us, as we began living with a guy who wasn’t even our dad. I would always ask my mom why she couldn’t have married someone else. Someone we liked. My step dad was the type of guy who only cared about his “real” children, not us. It became a constant struggle for attention from my Mom. When we were young, my sister and I were treated like maids around the house when my step dad was around. He is honestly one of the main reasons why the divorce was so heartbreaking for me and my siblings. I feel as if my mom had married someone who supported her and loved her unconditionally; it would have made more of a positive impact during this hard time in our…
Just after the beginning of my sophomore year in high school, for reasons that escape me to this day, I moved to Manteca to live with him, his new wife, and her granddaughter. At this new, larger school, I got good grades, all A’s and B’s. My father did not care. My step niece would get a C on a math test and she got taken out to a…
At the point when my guardians split up it was difficult to modify to the change. I lost contact with my father for a couple of years, I felt deserted and not adequate. He and my mother began speaking terrible about each other to me. My mother would instruct me to make up a story…
When I was 7 years old, I realized I am extremely different; I live in my grandmother’s house not in my parents’ house, not anymore. She is the one who took care of me since my mother gave birth to me and left me to her. My grandmother told me that my mom had me when she was eighteen. Should I thank her for not aborting me? Whatever! She was not supposed to do that to me. What kind of mom…
I grew up like any average girl, attended a good preschool, participated in sports and had good friends and a good community surrounding me. My parents were always in a good mood with each other and shared the joy of raising their children together. I have few memories of the bad times my parents had or hearing them argue. The worst memory I recall is walking into the living room one early morning and my mother looking at me and saying "It's time you need to know that I am leaving your father". My immediate reaction was a natural instinct for a teenager, which was to blame myself. Suddenly, I was now the minority at school because the majority of my peers still had both parents in a relationship…
However, I stayed behind with my father in his quaint home. A home with more luxuries than the home my mother and I shared before she left. We parted with a promise that I would return to her later in the year, but I couldn't uphold to that. I stayed behind and lived the life I was expected to lead. I would get good grades, I would go to school, come home. But my life was boring. I was bored of the simplicity in the life and in my father. He was a traditional man, whose biggest dream for me was to go to the nearby community college, graduate and start a…
It has been 11 years now since my mother had died. Both my parents had been involved in an accident, unfortunately my mothers injuries were too severe and there was nothing the doctors could do. I blamed my father for the death of my mother since he had been under the influence of alcohol while the accident had taken place. I had jus turned 16 that year, and was influenced by my friends to run away from home. My parents were extremely worried about me. It was while they were looking for me when they had met with an accident. I knew then, as I know now, that I helped drive father to drinking. I will never forgive myself for that. What was a problem we might have resolved exploded, and home was never home again. He could not be the same father to me anymore. He became angry and aggressive since the death of my mother. We both blamed each other for her death. If I never had ran away from home and if he had never been under the influence of alcohol while driving, my mother would have still been alive.…