The book Elli: Coming of Age in the Holocaust provides much information on what happened during this time. It is a biography by Livia E. Bitton Jackson. Livia Jackson was thirteen when she was taken to Auschwitz. After liberation, she completed high school in displaced person camps in Germany. In 1951, she traveled to the U.S. on a refugee ship and completed her higher education, later receiving a Ph.D. from N.Y.U. Since, she has taught at several colleges and became Professor of Judaic Studies at Herbert H. Lehman College of The City University of New York. She later married, and made her home in Israel, where she currently teaches at Tel Aviv University. This is her first book.…
During the late 1930’s the world was contaminated by the Second World War and the Holocaust. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Holocaust is defined as follows: “a sacrifice wholly consumed by fire.” During the Holocaust, the Nazis, under the command of Adolf Hitler, liquidated over six million Jews. There is one Jewish survivor whose story especially touched my heart and changed my attitude towards life for the better. This amazing woman is Krystyna Chiger. Krystyna and her family escaped the Nazi liquidation by living in sewers for fourteen months (qtd. in “The Girl in the Green Sweater” 5). Accordingly, thorough assessments of my personal experiences according to the life lessons of Krystyna Chiger descriptively visualize the Holocaust and its everlasting impact on society.…
Like Elie Wiesel said, “There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.” Elie Wiesel wrote a book about his life during the holocaust. In the book he talks about racism and hatred toward the Jewish religion. This relates to how people are judged at court for their appearance and how they talk or look. People who have a low socioeconomic status are disadvantaged in the criminal justice system especially when examining how they do not have enough money for a good lawyer, they won’t be able to pay off any of their fines and they may or may not have enough money to buy nice clothes for court.…
The majority of Auschwitz victims died in Auschwitz-Birkenau. It was the largest mass murdering concentration camp in history. Auschwitz-Birkenau was the most unwanted place to go even though prisoners didn’t know where they were going when they were being deported. Many victims died in Auschwitz-Birkenau and today that camp is a reminder of the horrible events that took place during the Holocaust.…
“I thought that the whole world was a concentration camp. And I concentrated on one single thing. How to survive one more day. How to survive one more experiment. How not to get sick” - Eva Kol, Auschwitz concentration camp survivor, Forgiving Dr. Mengele…
Adele was only 15 years old when the war broke out on 1st September 1939. She was the youngest of three in her family and her family came from Lvov, a city in eastern Poland that had a large Jewish population before the Second World War. During the Second World War, all Jewish people and Adele had to wear a yellow star called “Star of David”, on the star it says ‘Jude’, its means Jew. Adele’s mother Hannah sew Adele’s star onto Adele jacket and she had to wear it every day when she was outside. In 1942, Adele’s parents was afraid of what was happening around them and their family, Adele’s parents decided to get on a train to Budapest To try and get away from the Germans but unfortunately on the way there the Germans took over and leaded the train toward to the Belzec death camp.…
Surviving the Holocaust was not easy, but Elie Wiesel did it, and wrote many books about it. He has won many awards like the Nobel Peace Prize. Elie Wiesel survived the Holocaust, wrote books about his experiences, and has influenced our society.…
"Holocaust" is a word of Greek origin, "Holos" meaning "whole" and "kaustos" meaning "burned". The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million European Jews, but an estimated 1 million people as a direct result, by the Nazi regime and its collaborators during World War II (ushmm 2013). The anti-Sematic Nazi leader, Adolf Hitler believed, and persuaded many others to believe that the Jews were the cause of Germany's failure in WWI and also, as a race, they were inferior and damaging to the racial "purity" of the German race.…
“Comparison is the thief of joy,” said Theodore Roosevelt. His truth rings out today as multitudes of teenagers and young adults battle epidemics of depression: eating disorders: anxiety disorders: and other mental illnesses. Though chemical imbalances and traumatic events can trigger these plagues of the mind, another media scapegoat exists: insecurity. Insecurity seems like a likely reason for mental illnesses like anxiety and anorexia but behind those surface dwelling insecurities lies another predator lurking in the deep; comparison. Without comparison, insecurity would not exist because no one would have a reason to feel insecure. No ideal portrayal of beauty or the perfect student would trouble young adults since they would not compare themselves to those stereotypes or to others around them. Sinful and…
During the Second World War, Jews were singled out and murdered for their religious beliefs. They witnessed torture, death, starvation and many other horrible things. After enduring such an atrocity, Jewish families lived in constant fear, dreading they're children would be separated from them again or that they would never be able to return home. As a result, Holocaust survivors and their children suffered from traumatic shocks and extreme PTSD. In her article, Starman explains that consequently, these traumas were passed down generations through inappropriate parenting…
If everyone around you were being taken and murdered, would you have hope and courage to survive? This was the reality for Jews who lived during the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a genocide in which Adolf Hitler's Nazi’s killed six million Jews during the nineteen thirties and forties. Most Jews would hide and some of their non-Jewish friends would help provide them with the supplies they needed. This was true for Anne Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Van Daan, Peter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank, Dussel, and Margot who are all hiding together and being provided for by Miep and Mr. Kraler. During the Holocaust, you needed to have hope and courage to stay alive, in which Mr. Frank, Miep and Mr. Kraler, and Anne Frank actions all displayed.…
Many people to assume that once the Holocaust had ended, and survivors began to rebuild their lives, that their pain would disappear. Right? Wrong. The Holocaust was an appalling crime committed by the Nazis in Germany from 1933 to May of 1945.…
What is a witness? A Witness is usually someone who sees an event, or action take place. They then recount what they have seen through different mediums. Whether these mediums be orally, or written. When it comes to the Holocaust there are many forms of Witnessing, and of course, many different events that were witnessed by different people. But can you count as a witness without actually experiencing certain events in the Holocaust? Can I be a witness to the horrific events that happened although I am only experiencing these events through text? In the article Mothers, Sisters, Resisters a collection of oral histories by Brana Gurewitsch, the reader sees Brandl Small's retelling of her time before and during Auschwitz.…
Have you ever wanted to learn about the Holocaust? Have you ever wondered if there was anybody that survived through it all? Surviving the Holocaust is a very big deal. Very few people survived the concentration camps. The adults and children in the Holocaust were beaten and hurt badly. The people in the Holocaust prayed for survival and hoped that they would survive the horrors of the concentration camp. In my research paper I am going to talk about the different survivors and their stories.…
Throughout history many genocides have taken place. A specific genocide I have decided to focus on is the Holocaust which took place from 1933 to 1945. Throughout those twelve years many families were torn apart and separated.…