You have to fight even if you're not doing it for yourself “You gotta swim/ Through nights that won't end/ Swim for your families/ Your lovers your sisters/ And brothers and friends”(Jack’s Mannequin). While going through the migraines, all I wanted to do was give up and go back to bed but I had to “Just keep swimming”(Dory). I didn't want to but because of the help from everyone …show more content…
I knew I could do it; you have to push through everything in life if you want to really succeed. This is what I have learned the most this year; you have to struggle to reach the top.
I started this year only worrying about how well I was going to do in Spanish, if my teachers were going to be nice and my swimming times.
I have changed into a completely different person over the course of a mere 9 months, still sarcastic as ever and a procrastinator by trade but now I am more chill about things I can't control. I understand I won't get 100% every time, I get that I have restrictions, I understand how to live even when faced with challenges.
“Swim” by Jack’s Mannequin is my theme song because it talks about the struggles but also that you have to keep going. It's ok if you're not 100% all the time “You gotta swim/ Swim in the dark/ There's no shame in drifting”(Jack’s Mannequin), just keep pushing. Throughout this past year what I had to do was stay afloat, I didn't make much progress for a while but I'm still here and able to make progress because I rested.
My attention was shifted off of school for most of the year and that was quite difficult, it has helped me to balance my life now. I used to push myself to my breaking point at least three times a month, I am now able to understand why taking breaks is so important. I have no choice but to take care of myself if I never want to have a migraine
Once I think past the migraines, it is easy to see, I had a great year. Last year I was in between friend group but this year I really found who I like. I had a friend in each class and the best teachers. The wish I made to be in the best classes came true and I can say I'm in better classes now than my sister was in 8th grade. I was able to understand classes and had fun in them, which is a step forward from past years.
My favorite memories easily came from Language Arts. From nap time, to the dance off no moment ever dulled. Our class was the absolute best; we were hilarious. Jane always got us off track but I feel I learned the most in that class. I was willing to learn because I didn't feel like it was being shoved down my throat; I was able to absorb it.
This was an awesome year, even with the migraines. I struggled to keep my head above water, but I did it. I kept up with classes but still had fun. I loved every moment, even through the struggle because I wouldn't be where I am today without it. I know if I can work through the struggles I had this year I am even more prepared for high school and everything else life has to throw at me.