My Life Page 1
My Life: Past, Present, and Future
Stupid! No good for nothing! I hate you! These are the things that I heard on a daily basis growing up. There was never a dull moment in my house. Despite all of that, I have persevered, and I will continue to do so. I have goals that I have reached, and goals that I still want to meet, and despite how I was raised; and all of the negative things I was taught to believe bout myself, I will reach them. I may have been told I was no good every day of my life, and told that I would never amount to anything, but that does not mean that I have to believe it, and I will succeed despite it. I grew up in Louisville, Ky. Born and raised here, I still live in the same neighborhood as I did as a child. I lived with my parents, and three brothers. I was the third born, and although I was the baby for eight whole years; I was never treated like it. Instead, all I remember about growing up is all of the mental abuse me and my brothers had to go through. Although very beautiful, my mom was extremely men. She was raised in New York, and is full blooded Italian. Picture a bitter woman with a New York accent. That was my mom. She did not show love to any of her children, not ever. Her dogs were the only things that she had any affection for. They were her real children. My mother showed no love for us, and also no concern. At 5 years old, I was able to stay out until 10, 11, 12 at night, most of the time my parents not even realizing I was gone, or if they did realize, they did not care. While my mom didn’t care because she was just a men woman, my dad didn’t care, because the only thing he cared about was her. He ate, slept, and breathed her, almost to