In the strict word to explain what Internet censorship is suppression the information to access and publish on the Internet. Usually Internet censorship is through following method to access control information. Firstly, non-technology censorship is quite similar to the traditional media; such as Internet content uses the regulations and laws to prohibit the information publishing. Secondly, technology censorship, which is use technical tools to ban the information, for instance, Internet protocol address blocking and domain name system filtering and redirection. What is more, it has many forms of censorship, which also for many different uses, but it mainly use for following purposes that are government monopolization, and prepublication review and licensing and registration.
With more and more people start to use Internet, the censorship of Internet has been discussed many times as a hot topic. Is the censorship is helpful or detriment to society? There is no certain answer, but censorship is a two edged sword, which it brings both of the advantages and disadvantages to society. For us, it is necessary to have a correct point of view to face Internet censorship.
Self-censorship is the most common form of Internet censorship, which usually happens to censor someone or group their own expression before they make a decision for publish or not. Prepublication review is commonly uses in books, articles, films and blogs and so on. A survey has a research of the reasons for doing self-censorship is sexual content, objectionable language, violence, homosexual and