Reading: something that has always played an imperative role in my life, but throughout the years has been significantly irregular. From a young age I was taught to be deeply involved in my reading and to learn and grow from what I read. There have been some specific memories that I hold on to about the noteable things that have established me as a reader. Reading deeply and getting very involved into my reading is a quality that I am lucky to have and that I do not think many people possess.
As a child, I was read to all the time. I can remember all the times where I would curl up on my mom’s lap and she would read countless stories to me over and over again. Some of my favorites consisted of Dr, Seuss, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and the Bear Snores On. When I look back, my Mom was very gracious to me because I collected a great deal of her time because I repeatedly insisted on reading more and more. I don’t recall the exact time I learned to read, but I know that I was beyond excited to be able to read on my own, without the help of anyone. I have never had a troublesome time reading, it automatically came fairly effortless for me to grasp. I know that this is not the case …show more content…
Especially during middle school, I dwindled when it came to reading on a regular basis. Like every other bratty teenager I cringed when forced to read a book I wasn’t totally interested in. But there was a teacher that made every reading assignment enjoyable and pleasant, Miss Levon. She encouraged me to get out of my comfort zone when it came to reading. She recommended several series and books that still to this day are some of my personal favorites. This changed my outlook on reading immensely. I found myself reading for pleasure just like I did when I was much younger. Miss Levon gave me a tremendous boost in finding my reading life again. I wish I would have kept this momentum that I had at the