The NVC is helping me a lot to manage my anger. It tough me what happens when I am mad, what my actions cause and why I feel that way. This is a major beginning for me, becoming a better leader and a better person too. Since I started justifying the anger as an emotion, I now know how this feeling appeared and how I can avoid it, why I feel this way and how I will overcome it. …show more content…
Furthermore, the NVC is also very useful not only for the leader but for the whole group too; because people are not only angry with their leaders but also with their co-workers too.
If that might happen, I will definitely use the NVC and I will start giving them some examples in order to understand why anger is such a bad feeling for each one individually but also for the whole team.
SCARF tool is more complicated because it is dealing with more emotions and not only with one as an NVC did and for that reason is more essential too. Now as a leader you don’t only have to study your and other peoples' anger but instead you must develop the five domains that the SCARF model has; status, certainty, autonomy, relatedness and
Status: As a leader, I will try to show my team that no one is better than the other including me. Everyone has advantages and drawbacks and we must corporate together; unite our strength and help each other to minimize his weakness. The feedback is only for our improvement and not for judgement.
Certainly: As a leader I will always set goals for my team, even small ones and I will try to search the bright side of things even when it seems that nothing goes well. My team will stay out of all this.
Relatedness and Autonomy: I will separate my team into different positions and I will give each of them a department to be in charge. They would have to be organized and of course they would be free to make choices for their department.
Fairness: I will try to reward my team when is possible and of course I will show empathy when someone dealing a problem even if these problem has to do with his social life.
I believe that NVC and SCARF models are very powerful and if you manage to truly follow them you will become an excellent leader and you will be improved as a person in your daily life too.