Do you have a song that has a deeper meaning then just another song that comes on the radio? Well I believe that most everyone does one way or another. For me that song happens to be Bad Moon Rising by Credence Clearwater Revival. The reason behind this is when I was younger and before he passed away my grandpa used to play this song on the guitar and sing it to me all the time.
I would like to give a little background on my grandfather. At least what I remember of him because he passed away when I was five. My grandpa stood six foot five inches and weighed probably around 190 to 200 pounds. He was very muscular and always working on something. I remember that he was always a nice loving guy, but he had a bad temper. He
was his happiest when he was making music, he and a few of his brothers even had a band.
I want to give you a little background on the song. The song Bad Moon Rising was written by the band Credence Clearwater Revival. It was written in the year 1969 by the band. This song became the theme song of the demonstrators during the People's Park riots in Berkeley, California, in 1969. The beat makes this sound like a happy upbeat song, but the lyrics are very bleak, describing events that indicate a coming apocalypse.
This song even as messed up as it may be, has a special meaning to me. The reason that is so is because it was one of my grandfather’s favorite songs. The other reason this is so is more than half of the time I spent with my grandfather he always had a guitar in his hands playing some tune and it just so happened this one stuck with me. Anytime I hear the song now I always think back to him setting in his recliner with his guitar playing and singing for hours.
Pretty much what I’m saying is that everyone no matter what has a song that holds some meaning to them. The reason this on means so much to me is that when I hear it I think back to all the good times me and my grandpa used to have. It also makes me kind of sad because it makes me wonder what memories we have made if he was still living. I will always cherish this song and what it means to me.