Profesor Raoul De la Sota
MexicanizationMexicanization is to make or become Mexican as in manner, customs, or dress. To be Mexican is to wear a sombrero, guaraches, listen to Banda, and live on a farm. Well to me being Mexican means having parents who were born and raised in Mexico. Although I was born in the United States of America, I still have the full blood of Mexican parents. In my Art 107 class at Los Angeles City College it made me really think about my Mexican culture and how it affects me. It showed me that not only was Mexico’s history so interesting but also so its art. Before this class I had no idea of how important the arts of Mexico were not only its people but the world. In …show more content…
They are known to be the “Mother Culture.”They established the first written form of communication amongst themselves. They communicated in the form of written dots and lines known as “Glifts,” which were written on blocks. I found it very interesting because the Olmecs created something that changed the world in their time. Even know they were not aware of their creation, it evolved into a language where they could communicate with each other visually and verbally. As the years passed many indigenous people started to break away and form their own cultures. Soon after the Olmecs came the Zapotecs, the Totonacs, and the Mayans. They too took the Olmecs language but turned it into theirs by adding and changing it up. Now a days there are roughly 6,500 languages spoken through the world and we can thank the Olmecs for creating the first form of …show more content…
My father and mother were both born in Mexico and came to the United States illegally in the 1980’s. The Mexican culture they brought with them was very old school and traditional. They knew not a single word of English, so I was raised as a Spanish speaker. Growing up in elementary and middle school I only spoke Spanish. Not till I reached high school I started really speaking and writing the English language. I was raised in a very traditional Mexican way. My father would wear his snake skin boots with his sombrero and just the way he was dressed my brothers and I were dressed the same way. We would go to church on Sundays and after we would have lunch. I had never questioned our culture and the way we were raised till today. I thought it was normal to dress a certain way and to speak Spanish, I was wrong. My father being a “machista” the male is the dominant and whatever they say goes, always wanted us to look Mexican because that’s the way his father raised him. That had a big impact in my life because I got teased during my school years for dressing like a “Mexican.” Now I am very proud to me Mexican and till this day I still keep my Mexican