Life Story of Chairul Tanjung
Advantages and Disadvantages Become Entrepreneur and Employee
Name : Lia Dwi Fellyanti
Class : E
Lecturer : Miss E. Vita Mutiarawati
Tjio Wie Tay
Tjio Wie Tay or later better known as Masagung is the founder of the Great Mountain Shop . (Born in Batavia , 8 September 1927 - died in Jakarta , 24 September 1990 at the age of 63 years) is the fourth of five children of Tjio Koan An Poppi and Tjoa Nio. His father was an electrical engineer graduate of Holland, while his grandfather a famous trader in the New Market area, Bogor .
Tjio Wie Tay became an orphan when he was four years old, since then their family's economic life became very difficult. Wie Tay grow as a bad boy who likes to fight. He also had a habit of "steal" textbooks older siblings to be sold in the market Monday to earn pocket money. Because of this mischief, he could not finish school, though it was sent up to Bogor and had entered at two different schools.
But precisely because of mischief, Wie Tay grow as a brave boy. He is not afraid to get acquainted with anyone, including the Japanese army when it started to go to Bantam . Even the Japanese army, he got a bike. Courage capital is then he brought into the business world, and no doubt, be one of the flagship weapon in the wheels business.
After being expelled from Bogor uncle and had to return to Jakarta at the age of 13, Wie Tay found that the mother's economic situation has not improved too. There was no other way for him but to find the money themselves. Initially, he returned to the customs old brother stole textbooks for sale in order to get 50 cents. After a textbook stock runs out, he tried to be a "rubber man in the stage show" gymnastics and aerobatics, although his income was not how much.
Wie Tay then swerved into cigarette itinerant traders. This is where nature dare look back. He was desperate to meet Lie Tay San , a major tobacco merchant capital it.With 50