In the three essays that we were assigned to read have connections. In “Serving in Florida” by Barbara Ehrenreich, she decided to work in low paying jobs that pay minimum wage. An example of this is when it states “the multinational mélange of cooks; the dishwashers, who are all Czechs here” (364). This example relates to Diana Kendall when it states, “The working class and the working poor do not fare much better than the poor and homeless in media representations” (428). These quotes express how the working class can be. An example from Gregory Mantsios that corresponds with these when it states “From cradle to grave, class position has a significant [...] economic success” (391).…
For each, she had to master new skills, learn the social environment of each job, and work laboriously for hours on end. She further analyzes and evaluates the rising problem of poverty. A single, educated woman – with the ability to rely on conveniences such as emergency cash, a car, and a credit card; a woman who was without children or a family to support – struggled to make ends meet working one or more jobs demonstrates the inadequacy of the minimum wage and its fail to sufficiently supply an individual or family with the means necessary to support the “working poor.” Companies are reluctant to raise the pay of their employees and can punish and/or fire employees who step out of line. “When you enter the low-wage workplace, you check your civil liberties at the door…We can hardly pride ourselves on being the world’s preeminent democracy if large numbers of citizens spend half of their waking hours in what amounts to a dictatorship.” (Ehrenreich 210) The calculated $30,000 “living wage” for a family of three comes to $14 an hour, and 60 percent of Americans earns less than that. The lifestyles of the poor are tainted with low self-esteem and the need to “work through” fatigue, injury, illness, etc. “They are [the lifestyles] emergency situations. And that is how we should see the poverty of so many millions of low-wage Americans – as a state of emergency.” (Ehrenreich…
“ Giving them the bread and butter of our labors is enough. Your mother is too free with everything it seems.” (page 41)…
Starting off by explaining the typical family roles in the turn of the century, Piess expresses how while the men may spend his evenings at a local saloon, at a baseball game or reading his daily paper, the women would often be expected to work her “double day”. Piess explains this concept of the double day to be that the woman is expected to go about her daily work day of typically “domestic servants, needlewomen, laundresses…” (Peiss 1986), and come home to start her other job, being the housewife. The housewife duties usually entailed cooking, cleaning, washing, scrubbing, and most importantly… making her husband and kids happy. All the while, when the woman got her hard earned paycheck, it was expected to go towards family needs. Even as young women in the family home, young working girls were expected to hand over their paychecks in their entirety while their male counterparts were only asked for a small portion of their earnings. Even though women were getting paid at lower wages and it being justified because women were seen as “temporary wage-earners who worked only until marriage” (Peiss 1986), Piess automatically…
In compassion to Emily and Maggie, they both had mothers whom blamed themselves for not giving them their all. In “I Stand Here Ironing”, Emily’s mother was always working and never had time to love her or see her grow up. For instance, the neighbor says, “You should smile at Emily more when you look at her.”(Walker) Emily’s mom also states, “I loved her, there…
Most working women and children were no longer able to keep up with the speed and efficiency of the competing textile machines. In order to provide a needed extra income to help support their families they were forced to work in cottage industries, making pins or buttons, or even finding work in the mines, dragging the mined coal from the men all the way to the storage units. The women did all of this while looking after their children and even using opium to keep their babies quiet during work hours. Yet after all of the struggles that women and children faced, there was still an undeniable discrimination of gender and age in the workplace and the salaries of men compared to women is a prime example of…
Directions: Please access the following website in order to answer the following questions. Please type your answers to these questions – please list your answers by question - in short answer format. DO NOT use font larger than 12 font. This assignment is worth a total of 50 points of your final grade. This assignment MUST be turned in during class – the assignment CANNOT be emailed. Please use documentation for the primary documents that you use in your answers.…
“The poor people…the poor operatives” were being crushed down; they faced challenges and obstacles unlike any other (O’Donnell 33). The workers of the late 1800s and early 1900s were up against terrible conditions, in both their working environments and their everyday lives. Day after day they were paid little to nothing, most families living on less than “$150 a year”, and with no other means of income (O’Donnell 30). Men, fathers, worked everyday they could, but with strikes making work even less available, many were forced to work about “half the time” they had in previous years (O’Donnell 29). Making work even more difficult was the situation of “back boys” – boys “capable enough to work in a mill, to earn $.30 or $.40 a day” – which caused the discharge of men without capable boys, and the employment of men with them (O’Donnell 29). The “back boys” caused unneeded competition between the working class men; “the man who [had] a boy with him [stood] the best chance”, without a working boy, work was slim (O’Donnell 33). Despite the men’s working troubles, they still had families to take care of; “children” to cloth, “wood and coal” to find for their homes, and food to bring home to their families (O’Donnell 31 and 32). Most families lacked even the bare essentials, let alone the money to build a better future. With such little pay, there was no foreseeable way to get ahead; they “never saw over a $20 bill” how could anyone make a better life with that (O’Donnell 31)?…
8. What metaphor does Nanny use to describe the plight of black women? What does she mean? (page 14)…
The tone that Kelley conveys a sense of optimism, and concern through her speech by using passionate language and factual information, “For the sake of the children, for the Republic in which these children will vote after we are dead, and for the sake of our cause, we should enlist the workingmen voters, with us, in this task of freeing the children from toil” (Kelley). Kelley’s tone that is expressed in this example shows how she is very optimistic about the future, if people realize these concerns about labor issues and Women’s Suffrage. The mood of Kelley’s speech shows readers how empowering she was, but it also shows how infuriated and sympathetic she was about the current situation that women and children were in at this time in history to persuade her audience. It is evident when Kelley’s words convey a sense of infuriation because of her word choice, “Tonight while we sleep, several thousand little girls will be working in textile mills, all the night through, in deafening noise where the spindles and the looms spinning and weaving cotton and wool, silks and ribbons for us to buy” (Kelley). This emphasizes Kelley’s infuriation and her feeling of sympathy towards children in the workfork force and the long hours that these children spent in factories for little amount of pay. Throughout her…
My grandmother on the other hand, had eight children starting at the age of 18. She resided in Mexico and had her first child in 1944. During that time, cultural expectations limited the ability for women to participate in the labor force and as a result they stayed at home. My mother’s family was poor and needed my grandmothers sewing and cleaning abilities to provide more economical means. Even though women’s labor was a dishonor to her husband, my grandmother would complete tasks for her…
Belkin’s article was followed by many more writers who were quick to capitalize on this new sensational news story of mothers who gave up careers for their children. These neo-traditionalists held a banner of self-righteousness to the world and shaped the way in which a lot of women entering the workforce were perceived. However, these women were also a very small part of the true argument against and for the opt-out revolution. On the…
In “A Poor Cousin of the Middle Class,” it is about a woman named Caroline Payne who was a hard worker and had a lot of motivation to work and better herself. She was not viewed from a whole person perspective. She was a typical American citizen, fifty year-old, Caucasian woman. She has a two-year associate’s degree, who works at the local Wal-Mart in Muncie, Indiana. Caroline has not lived what you call the “American Dream.” She has had a challenge trying to find ways to survive for her and daughter just be fed for dinner and clothed. Caroline has been married twice and both marriages have failed. She did not grow up with her biological father and her step-father abused her. She has four kids, three boys that live with their father and one daughter, named Amber, who is disabled. Amber has a clubfoot and mild retardation because of Caroline’s emotional assaults, not eating nutritiously, and smoking cigarettes. Caroline only got a few benefits of assistance; she got Medicaid for fix her teeth that had been damaged and social security to live off of with her daughter.…
The fact of work for women was contradictory since businesses desired women to work for them to make money they were losing, and they knew women could not refuse. Some men were so ashamed of their non-existent jobs that they abandoned their wives and families. A 1940 survey revealed that 1.5 million women had been abandoned after their husbands lost their jobs to The Depression (Gervase). Men were so afraid of losing their authority in the household that they felt it was women to blame, however, it could not be further from the truth. The public media drilled the view into people that women were somehow at fault for wanting work in hard times to support their families. Men saying it was irresponsible for leaving their duties at home for something as ‘ridiculous’ as working. More than half of all employed women in the 1930s worked more than fifty hours a week and one-fifth of those worked over fifty-five hours. (“Working Women” ) Even with this extreme work environment, and hours, a woman’s annual pay was only $525 to a man's $1027, and yet people still said that women were undeserving of work and steal their money (“Working Women” ). Women were constrained into taking the low wage even if it did not meet their home expenses. During the Depression women’s wages dropped lower than ever, and businesses took advantage of…
Urban industrial workers were bombarded with many problems, a major one being long working hours. They not only had to endure endless hours of labor and turmoil, but received scarcely any pay at all. To make things worse, they were struggling to exist in the late 19th century where industrialization was flustering and depressions were part of the norm. An average American worker earned a measly $500 per year and a woman only half as much as the men. People were not making enough money to purchase the necessities of life and thus, lived a hard, struggling life. A woman stated she didn’t "live" , but merely "existed".. she didn’t live that you could call living."…