Art is that which brings life in harmony with the beauty of the beauty of the world. – Plato
Art is the medium by which the artist communicates with his fellow. – Van Dyke
Art is anything made or done by man that affects or moves us so that we see or feel the beauty in it. – Collins and Riley
Art is taken from the Italian word “artis”, which means craftsmanship, skill, mastery of form and ideas, between materials and techniques. – A. Tan
Art is a reflection or a mirror of beauty. – Aristotle
Arts is hard to explain because it is relative to the person. An art may look like trash or garbage to others but for its creator it is a master piece. Simply put, art is an expression of a person's feelings through his creative mind.
Make us feel an emotion;
Tell a story;
Make a point; or
Awaken our senses.
Art includes paintings, photographs, sculpture, movies, plays, music, dance,
Fashion, books, poetry and design.
Talk about art you have seen in these different categories.
What kinds of art do you and your family enjoy?
What kinds would you like to discover or learn more about?
Take a look at Visual arts
Visual artists make many, many choices.
Some might include:
What should be shown? Should it look realistic or not? Should it be real or imagined?
What colours, shapes and textures should be used? Though these two sculptures are from different artists from Different cultures and eras, they seem to show the same thing: a person deep in thought. Study the two sculptures. Look closely at the shapes and how the artists present the figures. How are they similar? How are they different? “The Thinker of Cernavoda” is a fired-clay sculpture found in the European country of Romania. It's thought to be about 7,000 years old. Auguste Rodin's bronze and marble “The Thinker” was first seen publicly in 1902, in Paris, France. Does this information surprise you in any way? Why