Pipit Nurul Fitriah
“Analysis O’Connor’s ‘My Oedipus Complex’ Using Psychoanalysis Discourse”
A literary work is just like a dream. It is the representation of one’s reality experience. It is full of fiction, figurative, and mystery, but sometimes filled by the hidden truth. In order to reveal the truth that lies in it, we should interpret and analyze it before the truth could be understood. And one of the means to analyze it is by using the psychoanalysis discourse. When we talk about psychology and literature, we may mean the psychological study of writer, as type and as individual, or the study of creative process, the study of psychological types and laws present within works of creature, or finally, the effects of literature upon its reader. (Wellek, Rene and Austin Warren, 1949:81) from those four kind relationships of literature and psychology, I’ll take a study in the first relationship. It is because the literary work will never be freed from the psychology of the writers. As the writers are like the daydreamer who creates the dream as the result of their activity, so do the writers. The writers create the literary work as the result of their thought whether it is real or not. And in creating this work, the writer will never be apart from their background of life, whether it is the experience of their personal, social, or spiritual life. In the using psychoanalysis discourse as the means to analyze and interpret the literary works, besides we have to know more the background of life of the writer, we also have to study further inside it that is about the structure of its work. From any kind genre of literary works, I’ll take a study on prose or short story. Short story is one of any kind of literary work genre which has the clear plot which always describes a certain case to us. In the short story, we could analyze the intention and emotion that the writers want to