Catherine Joy Smith
Grand Canyon University
Educational Journal
October 15, 2010
Module 1
Teaching and educational psychology are key elements in having a a successful classroom. Taking the Ormrod’s Psychology Survey really shows how there are many common misbeliefs to how children learn. Ormrod’s text stresses the importance of understanding research. “Quantitative research yields information that is inherently numerical in nature or can be easily reduced to numbers” (Ormrod, J. 2011. p 4). Qualitative research “research that yields information that cannot be easily reduced to numbers; typically involves an in-depth examination of a complex phenomenon.” (Ormrod, J. 2011. p 4). When an educator understands different ways that information is gathered and explored then they are able to further explore their study of their students behavior. The most important thing as a student of education is that there is the ability to merge the information from quantitive research and qualitative research. Theories in education are exciting possibilities that can be examined and explored. There are millions of different possibilities as far as theories that are related to our students: motivation, behavior, development and learning. To successfully teach, understanding why and how our students preform is key. In the classroom we must continually assess our on students work and then develop methods to help students improve. Conducting action research in the classroom helps to accomplish effective strategies for their school. First an educator must learn how to identify an area of focus, this means the educator must state the problem (Ormrod, J. 2011. p 11). Teachers have to successfully collect data through many different resources by using different angles and approaches. An educator can then analyze and interpret the data by looking for patterns in the data. Then finally it is important that we develop an action plan and take action
References: Abbott, J., & Ryan, T. (1999). Constructing Knowledge, Reconstructing Schooling. Educational Leadership, 57(3), 66-69. Retrieved from ERIC database. Bradsher, M., & Hagan, L. (1995). The Kids Network: Student-Scientists Pool Resources. Educational Leadership, 53(2), 38-43. Retrieved from ERIC database. Bruer, J. (1998). Brain Science, Brain Fiction. Educational Leadership, 56(3), 14-18. Retrieved from ERIC database. Genesee, F., & Cloud, N. (1998). Multilingualism is basic. Educational Leadership, 55(6), 62. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. Geocaris, C. (1996). Increasing student engagement: a mystery solved. Educational Leadership, 54, 72-5. Retrieved from OmniFile Full Text Select database Lamperes., B Lipsky, D., & Gartner, A. (1998). Taking Inclusion into the Future. Educational Leadership, 56(2), 78. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. Ormrod, J. E. (2010). Educational psychology: Developing learners (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. ISBN: 13: 9780137001149 Rogers, S., & Renard, L Rothstein-Fisch, C., Greenfield, P., & Trumbull, E. (1999). Bridging Cultures with Classroom Strategies. Educational Leadership, 56(7), 64. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. Thompson, S. (1995). The community as classroom. Educational Leadership, 52(8), 17. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.