My motto is to be yourself and be comfortable in your own skin. Being comfortable in my own skin has been a journey for me. I have come across a lot of people in my life that have made me feel insecure and tried to change who I am. These experiences have shaped who I am today. I never wanted to be different; I just wanted to be me. Through all of these …show more content…
experiences, I have learned to believe what Eleanor Roosevelt said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” As I get older, I get more and more self-confident and realize that you should cling to your imperfections because that is what makes you unique and special. I am a completely honest and straightforward person because I am not afraid to say what I mean; I am frank. People sometimes think that being frank is not always a good thing, but then they learn to realize that it does not come from a place of being hurtful or mean spirited, but a place of being truthful and authentic. My superhero name, FRANKIE, becomes blazoned across my chest. FRANKIE is an acronym that stands for my personal traits. Each letter in my name represents who I am.
“F “ is for free.
“R” is for real.
“A” is for authentic.
“N” is for natural.
“K” is for keen.
“I” is for inspiring.
“E” is for emotional.
My superhero costume is so comfortable to wear.
It is made of shear gauze that is a natural skin color and it glistens in the sunlight. My costume is adorned with bold colorful patches. Each patch represents my character traits, both strengths and weaknesses. Every patch has a different word, Athletic, Spaz, Spirited, Dramatic, Passionate, Sensitive, Creative, Honest, Loyal, Sympathetic, Quirky, Funny, Opinionated, Straightforward, and Assertive. The most important part of my costume is my broken in, cozy slippers, made of soft leather and sheepskin. When I wear them, it sets me apart because I’m not like anybody else; I’m authentic. Just like the sheepskin slippers, I am comfortable in my own skin. One’s first impression of me may mirror what a new pair of slippers look like when they are taken out of a shoebox. Just like the brand new leather on slippers, I may appear hard and stiff on the outside, but as one gets to know me s/he realizes that I am more like the inside, real soft and
By tapping my slippers together allows my costume to appear. My heart instantly transports from my chest to my sleeve and at that moment it is obvious to others what is going on. Others can see my heart begin to beat faster because I become more emotional and outgoing. I carry around an “open book” because everybody knows my story. I don’t have any secrets and I’m willing to share any information with one who wants to get to know me. Once I have my costume on, my mind clears and I’m keenly aware of people’s insecurities. My costume symbolically represents who I am. I am dedicated to helping people become comfortable in their own skin. I do that through leading by example. Because I am transparent, when people look at me, they see through me. It teaches others to be accepting of their flaws and accepting of the person that they are. I hope that IU see’s how powerful it is to know who you are, what you stand for, and a clear direction of who you want to become because the greatest success in life is being yourself.