The political party who is the furthest away in their beliefs from mine as a, New Coalition Democrat, are the Staunch Conservatives.
I decided on this political party as being the most different from mine, because they are in contradiction of my beliefs with a majority of issues. For instance, Staunch Conservatives are critical of the government, while I am pro-government. Staunch Conservatives are against stricter laws and regulations for the protection of the environment. New Coalition Democrats like immigrants being in America and are supportive and sympathetic to the poor and needy. I also believe that a woman has the right to decide to keep the child or end the pregnancy. It is her body! Staunch Conservatives are not at all supportive of immigrants and believe immigrants are making our society weak. I believe that a person has the right to choose who they marry, and really it is none of my business, they are happy and in love. Staunch Conservatives are opposed to homosexual marriages and also abortions. Staunch Conservatives are mainly compromised of older white males, while New Coalition Democrats are made up of a group of many
minorities. These differences could be a barrier to solving social welfare issues, because with this political party being so against the government and critical of it, they are automatically critical of anything concerning the different social welfare issues, since it is linked to the government. Staunch Conservatives believe that immigrants are weakening our country and not adhering to the customs and values they believe in. New Coalition Democrats are supportive of immigrant and open to them coming to our country and being here to build a new life. When these individuals try to reach out and seek help to get on their feet, Staunch Conservatives are going to say “NO”, and not giving a helping hand to a stranger. Another belief of this party is that they disagree with 2010 Obama Affordable Care Act, and that it will end up hurting our country. Staunch Conservatives are strongly against abortions and same sex marriages, while my political party is in favor of these two issues. I am guessing that with these differences on so many different issues, I would be stonewalled and automatically have a large number of Staunch Conservatives opposed to helping the needy and supporting the social welfare system because they do not want to enable people to continue to live how they are. Staunch Conservatives are in favor of helping people, but percieve it as a tool that people use and should not continue to do so their entire lives. I have health insurance through the Affordable Care Act that President Obama created. I am able to see a doctor regularly and get my prescriptions at an affordable price. Without the Affordable Care Act, I would not be able to afford health insurance. The social welfare issue, of health is a big one. I see it as no matter what a person believes in, there is always someone who believes in something different. The barriers will be there no matter what, but determination will help the New Coalition Democrats to break them down and press on to the goal.