Do you know that dessert you have at every family gathering? You figure that it has something to do with your ancestors, but you just do not know the significance of it. Ever since I was little, I have thoroughly enjoyed the pizzelles my grandmother baked. From Christmas to Easter and all celebrations, pizzelles were abundantly found on the dessert table. Though I grew up with them, I never knew or understood the process the soft cookie went through. However, I do know that an antique waffle iron is used overtop the stove and the result is pure deliciousness. Every year I have told myself that I was going to learn the process, and this year, I have decided that I would fulfill that promise.
I already knew that my grandmother …show more content…
I knew it would be rare to find a book on Pizzelles, but surprisingly, there were no books on Italian cooking or food history either. I also went to my local library and had no luck with discovering the history of pizzelles. When searching on Google, most websites are general in saying “it originated from Italy”, but reference no specific location or origination. The most beneficial source in my search process was undoubtedly my grandmother because she provided the most history into the background of pizzelles and how they directly influenced her family life. She answered all of my questions and was an excellent guide through the pizzelle-making …show more content…
This is a Mediterranean plant, usually used in cooking and herbal medicines, that also flavors licorice and fennel. However, many people today, including the majority of my family, do not enjoy this anise flavoring. Therefore, she bakes the pizzelles without it. I also learned that the more eggs you incorporate, the longer it takes for the pizzelles to be mixed and baked.
Question: Do you use a timer when baking each pizzelle?
Answer: Actually, no. I say a Hail Mary, flip the pizzelle, and then say another one. By the end of this, the pizzelles are cooked to perfection. I find it more relaxing to say a prayer instead of counting.
Question: Is this your favorite Italian dessert?
Answer: Yes, it is the easiest to make and one of the tastiest.
Question: How long is the total process and how often do you bake these