Today I started my first hour of community service. I decided that I would donate some of my clothes and toys. First I had to think about where I wanted to donate too. I knew I wanted to help out kids in need, so I looked up hospitals that accepted donations. It turned out that a children’s hospital had a thrift shop as a means of getting money, so I looked into what they accepted. Then I went through everything I owned, and got my brother and sister to do the same. Then I sorted everything into three piles; clothes, toys, and things we couldn't donate. I really liked doing this, but I knew that this couldn't be that big of a time broken off of my volunteering capita.
Hour 2
It’s my second hour. I am still sorting things. This is the hour that I am mainly inspecting the items that are entered to have a chance at living out a second life. Most of the items are …show more content…
This park is by First Street. I picked up a lot of trash. I did this hour of work over two days. This park is a lot smaller, as it doesn't have a baseball field or any field. There was a lot of cigarettes and some beer bottles. I don’t know who would drink at the park, but apparently some people did and then littered the bottles. It was gross picking up beer bottles but fortunately there was only like three beer bottles. I also cleaned up a lot of food wrappers. That makes sense because there is a lot of kids that go to parks, naturally.
Hour 6
Today is the day I started volunteering at Daystar. Daystar is a non-profit organization that helps the less fortunate people get back on their feet. This hour I spent writing the birthdays of the volunteers on the white board. I also sorted the pens and pencils into two separate boxes. I love working at Daystar, because I love the work that I get to do. I also like helping people out and I also love how it feels like an office job.I also like all the people at Daystar.