I look forward to the challenges that await me and the experiences to be had while attending Manchester Community College. I didn’t anticipate how mature the environment would be. The good majority of the students here are well-rounded, smart, and responsible. I have had the pleasure of having orderly discussions and debates. …show more content…
Most of my points went to the read/write category. This has been my main method of learning, even when I was young. I like reading and writing information down to understand it more, and I have developed various methods to perfect the efficiency of my studying. It took a little while to learn what information was ‘important’ to take down. I often wrote too many unnecessary facts down which harmed me more than it helped me. This created some anxiety problems because I had so much to memorize and I didn’t know how to deal with it all. Once I figured out how to determine the key elements of the information I was studying, my grades …show more content…
This method of learning I have found to be most beneficial when I am doing homework. A few times in my school career I have had to read various long and heavy reading books which have not always captured my interest. Listening to them through audiobooks helped me to remember the information better, in addition to making the readings more interesting. Moreover, when I am too tired to read or write, I listen to online lectures, which often expound on the topics covered in class, reinforcing the knowledge I have on the