Honestly, as hard as I try to remember the official call from the emergency room, I can’t. When something traumatic happens your mind blocks it out to protect yourself, I think thats what my brain subconsciously did. Not that what happened was even traumatic just for me, it’s the most intense hardship that’s ever struck me. Though I do remember it was a …show more content…
Just imagine being a sixteen year old and having to deal with your best friend having cancer. Most of the time I don’t know how to deal with it. Tears would just roll down my face a lot not because I thought she was going to die, but kind of because I thought she was going to die or subconsciously I thought that. Even though it was miserable and hard I try to look at it with a positive view. Her pain and suffering has inspired me to become a doctor. Each time I went to chemotherapy with her I saw all the little kids with frowns from pain. Hodgkins Lymphoma has helped me to see that my ambition in life is to help people, to help those in pain. I can not in anyway handle being an oncologist, but ten years from now I can see myself being an orthopedist or a general