One unit that really sparked my interest was Unit 11: Advertising Culture and the Commodification of the body. I think that this unit was very intriguing, as I have always wondered about how and why the media portrays women the way they do. This idea of “Fat” women has become such a profitable topic in the media. The article by Lisa Ayuso “I look Fat in this” portrayed an excellent view from women who often feel ashamed of their body because it is not the “perfect body” that is plastered all over the media.
Another unit that I thoroughly enjoyed was Unit 8: Diasporas. I enjoyed reading other students posts on how they feel about Newfoundland culture and its traditional items. Many students registered in this course are from Newfoundland, so the shared culture among us with the different viewpoints, I found really interesting.
This course has not changed my view or position on a particular issue. I have increased my knowledge and have broadened my views on many topics. One particular issue that came to a complete shock to me was about the forced sterilization of young black women. Especially about the