this star won't go out
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Copyright © 2014 by Lori and Wayne Earl Introduction copyright tra 2014 b John Green
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LibPa?.-.-... of Congress Cataiogircr-b.2-P:ebiicatim Data
Earl: Esther: 1994-2010: author_
This star won't go out_ the life and words. of Esther Grace Earlib] Esther Earl with Lori and Wayne Earl; introduction by John Green_ pages cm
Audience: 1.2 up_
Summary: "A memoir told through the journals: letters: and stories of young cancer patient Esther Earl." Provided by publisher_ ISBN: 978-1-101-62714-3
1_ Earl: Esther: 1994-2010—fu-venfie literature_ 2_ Thyroid gland—Cancer—Patients Biography Juvenile literature_ 3_ Cancer— Pafients—Juvenfie literature_ 4_ Cancer—Juvenile literature_
THIS IS A STORY about a girl that Ivent through a life changing experience known as Thyroid Cancer. It' s not one of those dramatic "-based on a true story cancer things: especially since Thyroid Cancer is not as had as cancer. It's a story about me: Esther Earl: having a sickness that's pretty scary.
Esther Earl,
"Cancerous. Lump" journal
To all who long to live fully am' love dee_ply no matter the obstacle