1. I use words such as "like," "you know," or "and ah" in my speech.
2. I use phrases such as "watchama-call-it" or "thingamajig-jig" to substitute for the proper words.
3. I use profanity when I talk to friends.
4. I am asked to speak more loudly or more clearly.
5. I have trouble expressing myself when I am emotional.
6. I speak well in front of the class or an audience.
7. I speak overly loud to get attention or make a point.
8. I use hand gestures when I speak.
9. I express my feelings easily.
10. When I am angry, I speak with actions more than words.
11. I boast or exaggerate when I tell a story about myself.
12. I use the silent treatment when I'm upset.
13. I criticize others to make myself look good.
14. I find it difficult to talk with people in authority.
15. I am distracted by sights and sounds when others are speaking to me.
16. I "tune-out" (stop listening) when I feel I know what is being said.
17. I look for nonverbal meanings behind words said.
18. I discuss my problems instead of bl16. I "tune-out" (stop listening) when I feel I know what is being said.
17. I look for nonverbal meanings behind words said.
18. I discuss my problems instead of blaming others.
19. I like to argue rather than discuss.
Review the list of 19 communication methods above. Select 3 positive and 3 negative methods of communication and explain how the results of each affect your health: (6 points)
Section B. Using the information from the activity above, complete the assignment below.
1. List at least 3 communication roadblocks that you use. You must include the communication roadblock names that you learned in lesson 3.3. (9 points) Example: tuning out A. B. C.
2. Interview your parent/guardian and ask them: “What are some obstacles I use that hinder effective communication between you and me?” (6