My written task is connected to Part 3 of the course: Literature - texts and context. During this part we read the play, The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller in the 1950s which talks about the Salem witch trials that took place in Massachusetts during the early 1690s which will be the primary resource of my written task.
My written task will consist of two letters, one written by Abigail Williams, one of the major characters of the play and one written by Reverend Parris. Abigail’s letter will be directed to her uncle Parris, while Parris will write to John Proctor. With both texts I will show their weak side; the one that Abigail tries to hide by being mean and very direct and the one that Parris attempts to cover up by being …show more content…
I have had enough of this place and it is better for me to go away now before things get worse. However, I did not want to depart without leaving some of my thoughts and words, or more such as an explanation of the events that led to our society crumble, hangings be seen as a normal part of these times and witches be real.
When you discovered us dancing in the woods, I must admit that I felt a little scared of the possible consequences. Then, Ms. Putnam’s daughter got sick and Betty seemed dead, which raised some doubts in my mind. Was something bad actually going on or were they just really scared and started faking to be sick to avoid any punishment?
I started to hear rumors about witchcraft and people began to believe that witches were the reason for these illnesses and of our actions. At this point, I figured out that it would be a great opportunity for me to gain power, to be the center of attention and not get in any trouble. I always wanted to feel important, to move the game pieces and with this happening, I could do that and even get what I always wanted, John Proctor. He made a promise to me when he first committed adultery, and he could not just go back to his sick wife and leave me alone like if nothing had ever happened. I tried to speak with me, make him understand that what he was doing was wrong, but he could not. When he told me that we were done, anger started to rise inside of me, and I lost my