“MySpace becomes part of a bigger network”
Sonia Balouch
Strategic Management
Navjote Khara
SWOT Analysis:
* Myspace was distinctive when it first came out * Focus on introducing new music to people- Myspace has helped launch careers of music artists such as Lily Allen and Artic Monkeys. * Connection with one of the worlds largest news firm company (News Corporation)
Weaknesses: * Poor communication between Myspace and News Corporation * Unorganized – could not prioritize projects, important assignments and budgeting * Too much emphasis on advertisement and not enough on increasing competitive advantage * Could not adapt to the new social media environment
* Three year advertising contract with Google * Missed online traffic targets set in the contract with Google * Did not take advantage of being the most popular social media network and the first
* Increased competition * Websites offering the same or better services that were more updated
Case Questions: 1) MySpace’s distinctive position in the social networking market can be extremely valuable if all moves are carefully calculated and made. Every weakness can become an opportunity therefore MySpace’s vulnerable position can become a strength in the future. If MySpace spends money on research and development, they can find out exactly what the market is looking for in terms of social media and what is expected and therefore be up to par with current hot social media sites such as Facebook. As Van Natta said ”MySpace can foster discovery of music, films, and TV in a way that others cant”, this gives MySpace an advantage to be different from other social media sites making them just as popular as the competition. 2) News Corporation should have managed