
Myth Of Gentrification

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The article, “The Myth of Gentrification: It’s extremely rare and not as bad for the poor as you think” by John Butin, focuses on the positive aspects of remodeling low income neighborhoods. Butin begins the article by stating two facts. Butin believes that popular cities in New York started the trend of gentrification by introducing an upscale vibe to rundown low income neighborhoods. Butin informs the reader how it seemingly started to spread to other states. He describes most peoples’ view with gentrification. Most people believe that gentrification is a displacement of poor people and making the neighborhood inhabitable to those with low wages. Butin states that the goal of gentrification is to change low-income neighborhood into high-income …show more content…

What exactly is gentrification? Jon Butin concept is of gentrification is when “artists, bohemians, and gay couples come first. They move into run-down—but charming and historic—homes and loft spaces close to the urban core. Houses are restored. Funky coffee shops appear. Public safety improves. Then rents and home prices start to go up. As rents and home prices continue to rise, the earlier residents—often lower-income people of color—are forced out.” Butin seems to believe that gentrificating a neighborhood of low income displaces poor people of color with well off, blue collar white people. Sometimes, people who move into low income neighborhoods really do want to help. They start community programs and become community leaders. They get involved with the community and start projects to make the neighborhood “prettier”. Blue collar whites attempt to improve neighborhoods can have some consequences. As wealthier people move into the new up and coming neighborhood, landlords will raise rent. The increase of rent will make it harder for low income people to stay. As this occurs, major companies move into the neighborhood to accommodate the more traffic it is getting. Small …show more content…

This article can be geared towards both low and high income levels. Butin gives supporting details of the disadvantages of the cost of living in a gentrified neighborhood and the advantages youths receive in diverse communities. As someone who lives in a gentrifying neighborhood, I can understand Butin’s argument that gentrification is not bad for the poor. Pilsen was perfect before it was gentrified, However, I do like that I can walk to my local Target or Wal-Mart instead of driving out the city. I still support local mom and pop shops and there are some blocks that still need to be rejuvenated, but I do see some downside of it. I recently bumped into an old landlord who told me that my old apartments’ rent had increase to nearly 45%. Gentrification is not as bad as it seems. Rent and taxes might go up, but the property values and opportunities also

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