2.) Main Characters-
• Perseus-Prideful, courageous, brave, and intelligent
• Dictys-Sympathetic and friendly
• Polydectes-Selfish, evil, and cruel
3.) The Path of the Hero-
• The call to adventure- Perseus claims and boasts to get the King the best gift, the head of a gorgon (Medusa)
• Initiation- Pereus Makes a deal with the grey women. He takes their eyeball in exchange for directions.
• Return- Perseus comes back and accidentally turns Polydectes this and his men into stone. To fulfill the prophecy, he kills his grandfather.
4.) Conflicts and resolutions-
• Polydectes wants to kill Perseus. That results to Perseus accidentally killing him.
• Perseus needs directions which lead to him stealing the eyeball from the grey women.
• Gorgons fight Perseus. That results to Perseus killing Medusa.
• The prophecy wants Acrius dead, that results to Perseus killing him.
5.)Lesson/Moral- Don't automatically make a rash decision on someone's true personality because sooner or later, their true personality will unfold.
Zaha Rao Tottenville High School
Period 6 9/28/13
Theseus Journal
1.) Title-Theseus Setting- Southern Greece, Athens
2.) Main Characters-
• Theseus- Down-to-earth, smart, and brave
• Hippolytus- Unjust
3.) The Path of the Hero-
• The call to adventure- Theseus' mother sends for his father to be claimed.
• Initiation- Theseus kills the bandits that attack him on his way to Athens.
• Return-Theseus returns and takes over as king after the old king killed himself.
4.) Conflict and Resolutions-
• The minotaur wanted to eat them. That resulted to Theseus killing it.
• Theseus almost got stuck in the underworld. Then, Hercules gets him off the chair.
5.) Lesson/Moral-
Always be just and have good character. Zaha Rao