2. What is Governance
3. Systems and Processes
4. The Board and its committees
4.1. Risk Management
4.2. Assurance
4.3. Review of EHT Board Assurance Framework (BAF)
4.4. Clinical and non clinical components of integrated Governance 5 Partnership Governance
6 Conclusion
Appendix 1 – Key Governance reports
Appendix 2 – Trust Board and the organisational objectives for EHT
The modern NHS Board was established with the first NHS trust in 1991, introducing the concept of corporate responsibility whereby executive and non-executive directors shared responsibility for the Board’s decisions. NHS boards have a duty to ensure that their organisation …show more content…
ADDING VALUE to all Board meetings. - The linking of risk to objectives form an integrated part of the organisation’s management activity to ensure this process brings real value and relevance and does not become a paper or ‘tick box’ exercise.
Review of EHT’s Board Assurance Framework (BAF) – Appendix 5
Of the 8 sections, management, governance finance and infrastructure are the main components of the 2008/9 BAF reviewed. There were areas of good practice such as being clear, concise, not containing operational objectives and quantification of the principle objective G1 “being an excellent employer.” However, specific areas which could be improved are noted below.
• The BAF contained 15 principal objectives which may not allow the Board to focus and apply sufficient scrutiny.
• Ideally the assurances noted could be further sub divided into “internal” and “external” as the assurance “weighting” for each of this is different.
• There is the possibility that principle objectives and risks are not fully understood or scrutinised. For example, no gap in control of assurances were identified for the principle risk of the “failure of Foundation Trust application” yet the trust has not attained FT status and is unable to do so in its current …show more content…
The structure of the board as well as the behaviour of the individual board members are fundamental aspects high-performing organisations and are crucial factors in delivering integrated governance. Whether the board is effective and the framework works in practise will be influenced by the organisational culture, ethos and behaviour of key individuals. The real challenge is not just to design appropriate processes to identify, evaluate, manage and control risk but to ensure that these are embedded into the culture of the organisation. The leadership from the Chair and CEO is essential to establish the right culture and requires them to “lead by example” to ensure that frontline staff understand their role and responsibilities and to carry them out properly and