(BMA, 2008; Lilford et al., 2008). Instead both process and outcome measures should be used in combination (Berry et al., 2015). An example comparing hospital performance in treating heart attacks through assessment of mortality outcomes can be used in support. In this study, Mant and Hicks (1995) suggest that measuring process indicators based on evidence-based interventions is increasingly effective in recognising significant differences between hospitals than outcome measurements. However, regardless of whether process or outcome measures are used in practise, it is essential that the choice is made based on the best available evidence. In addition, the whole medical profession, patients, carers and representative groups should be involved in order for patients to get the highest quality care, and achieve a successful change in the health service (BMA, …show more content…
These tasks are currently being performed by Primary Care Trusts (PCTs), who will soon be abolished. In support of this reform, research has suggested that beneficial changes were not brought about by PCT commissioning, as intended. It has been suggested that this is a result of weak incentives and inadequate management capacity (Cookson et al., 2010). Therefore, this change will stimulate improvements in outcomes by providing quality, innovation and productivity, also allowing any willing provider to provide services, giving patients greater choice. Commissioning by GP consortia will also bring together responsibility for clinical decisions and thus the financial consequences of these. This newfound responsibility will further reinforce GP’s role in not only therapist referrals and prescription, but also management of long-term conditions and how accessible their services are. This will allow therapist and GP’s to work increasingly in collaboration, which will in turn aim to improve patient care. In addition to including colleagues from secondary care in the consortia, it is essential to also include those from public health, medical academics and social care professionals. As a result, we are able to ensure integrated