The HRSA Health Workforce provides multiple programs to help combat shortages of primary care, dental, mental and behavioral health services for underserved communities across the nation. Communities with underserved health care can be due to multiple reasons. Groups of people living in these areas may face economic, language, and cultural barriers to health care. The NURSE Corps Scholarship gives me an opportunity to provide my services that I strongly believe will bring value to patients in these underserved communities. It is incumbent upon me to lend a hand to help in one of many critically short healthcare facilities upon graduating from my nursing program. I will contribute to the mission of the NURSE Corps Program
The HRSA Health Workforce provides multiple programs to help combat shortages of primary care, dental, mental and behavioral health services for underserved communities across the nation. Communities with underserved health care can be due to multiple reasons. Groups of people living in these areas may face economic, language, and cultural barriers to health care. The NURSE Corps Scholarship gives me an opportunity to provide my services that I strongly believe will bring value to patients in these underserved communities. It is incumbent upon me to lend a hand to help in one of many critically short healthcare facilities upon graduating from my nursing program. I will contribute to the mission of the NURSE Corps Program