1. Tactics: A neighbour hood-policing plan rooted in local communities and tied to local concerns;
2. Technology: A transformation in NYPD technology, bringing its full capabilities to police officers in the field;
3. Training: Field training for recruits and recurring training for more experienced officers, imparting the skills to manage the encounters that are the fundamental business of street policing;
4. Terrorism: Strengthening investigative and enforcement efforts with federal, State, and local partners, as well as improved communication and monitoring of evolving conditions …show more content…
Trust: A compact with both the communities and the police officers to deal fairly with each other, and to strengthen the lines of communication through neighborhood policing and participation in social media outlets.
The Fiscal 2018 Preliminary Budget for the program areas “Chief of Department" and “Administrative” show a growth of $33.5 million and $45.1 million respectively. The growth in funding for the Chief of Department is related to the increase in the Department’s budget for overtime. The increase in funding for the Administrative program area is related to an increase in the recognition of State funding.
In sum, the City’s tax revenues are benefiting from strong local economic growth and can support new programs; however, the headcount additions require that revenues continue to grow faster than projected to keep the budget balanced. The new police officers are particularly expensive in future years owing to their salary growth and their high pension fund contribution rates. If the Administration expects to maintain these personnel and programs during the next economic downturn, it should seek substantial efficiencies elsewhere in the budget.
One of the points in the agenda focuses on reducing overtime. “Recruiting, hiring and training more officers are key planks of Commissioner Ponte’s 14-point anti-violence agenda,” said Eve Kessler, a spokesperson for the Department of Correction. Kessler added that the department is also planning an overhaul of recruiting procedures, with the intention of improving the standards used in the hiring of new