Statement of the Problem
So far the ministry of the NCF, Pune seems satisfactory. But this ministry also needs a thorough study of its achievements and failures in order to have more impact in the future. To the knowledge of the researcher, no one has attempted such evaluation so far. Therefore, the need to do research in this area is felt.
Elaboration of the problem
Youth today need a good platform in the midst of rising media culture. The students are exposed to different things, they have easy access to different influence both good and bad. Influences like religious activities, media, music, sports, fashions, student’s activities, drugs abuse, immorality, alcoholism etc. These influences are not alien to the students’ community; they are very much affected by the situation around, particularly the Naga students. NCF Pune seems to be effective in its approach and strategy for the young people in the cities and urban set up to cater their need and longing. Yet the kind of approaches and strategy has never been seriously discussed and brought to the notice in the ministry of the youth. So the need to promote that kind of ministry is felt.
Purpose Statement
To understand Naga Christian Fellowship, Pune, in a deeper way
To formulate broader prospects of its ministry.
To evaluate the ministry of NCF Pune.
To identify the impact of the NCF Pune on youth.
To make suggestions and recommends for further improvements. Methodology
Interviews: Interview will be the primary source since there is no book specifically written about NCF Pune. This is through personal interview with the resource persons.
Questionnaires: Questionnaires are to gather different opinions from present/past members of the NCF of how they understand the ministry of NCF. This will bring some of their own speculation about the ministry of the NCF Pune.
Library research: Library research is one of the methods to gather different information,
Bibliography: Keniston, Kenneth. “Drugs use and student values,” Youth ministry. C. Hollander ed. Washington: D.C: USNSA, 1987. Manokaran, J.N. Christ and Cities-Transformation of urban Centers. Chennai: Mission Education Books, 2005. Richards, Lawrence O. Youth Ministry. Michigan: The Zondervan Corporation, Grand Rapids, 1972. Thomas, M.M. The Nagas towards A.D. 2000. Madras: Centre for Research on New International Economic Order, 1992. Vihienu, Chathau Niu & Kethoser Aniu Kevichusa. Guidelines For NCF Pune. Pune: NCF, 2000. NCF Pune. Cross Connection Issue 13/December, 2003. NCF Pune NCF Pune. Cross Connection. Issue 17/December, 2004. NCF Pune. Cross Connection. Issue 19-20/April- September, 2005. NCF Pune. Cross Connection. Issue 22/December 2005 –February, 2006. NCF Pune Official Record of Naga Students Union Pune meeting held on 6th Dec. 1987. 2. Chiset (Pastoral Task Group member, 2006-07) 3 4. Jennifer, ex-NCF Core Team, 2004-05, Interviewed through telephone on 28-02-2007. 11. Chatau Niu Vihienu (Ex.Chaplain NCF Pune 1996- 2003) 12