Biodiversity as one significant element of ecosystem is closely related to ecological development and of high value to human. In recent years, people are increasing concerned about the serious condition of other creature, but they still put too much emphasis on economic value that they ignore the understanding of ecological system and conservation of biodiversity. However, Aldo Leopold’s A Sand County Almanac provides foreseeable insight into the influence of human activities on wildlife and proposes the land ethic to call on people to respect other creature and establish a sustainable environment. This book review intend to discuss and evaluate the book critically to find its existing values and limitations.
The first part of the book mainly describes attractive natural landscapes and wildlife in Sand County and its changes within twelve months. Author attempts to remind public of the impressive memory for wildlife when society paid most of attention on economic development and industrial process, while nature is gradually segregated from human lives. It is also revealed by Barton et al. (2003) that declining species in rural and urban areas result in the segregation of human beings and wildlife. Besides, species richness is observed to decrease with the shortening distance from city core (McKinney, 2002). Furthermore, the book also indicates fact that human are able to gain benefits from biodiversity not only by developing its economic value which is physical, but also entertainment in mental aspects (187). This perspective is intelligent to discover the potential value of various wildlife, because biodiversity is significant to the process of ecosystem due to valuable species and genetic resources, and it is also of high value by its ecological services, which contain esthetic and recreation except from economic values (Alho, 2008). Barton et al. (2003) also demonstrate the