Although the Nanking massacre only lasted from 1937-1938, there were many events that led up to this genocide. Before the Nanking …show more content…
The main event that led up to this genocide was the Chinese troop’s strong resistance against the Japanese’s attempt to “conquer all of China in just three months,” (The History Place 1). The strong resistance of the Chinese troops upset the Japanese, making them losing their pride and now their “appetite for revenge was to follow at Nanking,” (The History Place 1). Due to Japan’s desire to get revenge on China, many horrific events occurred. One tragedy that happened was “mass execution of captives,” (Viklund, Nanking Massacre, 2). This was an event where the Japanese killed anyone man who was suspected to be a Chinese soldier. After a large number of Chinese soldiers were captured to be executed, “other soldiers who had not been discovered disguised themselves as civilians,” hoping not to get caught by the Japanese (Viklund, Nanking Massacre, 2). In many situations, captives were shot by machine guns, bayoneted, or even burned alive. This event was also known as “the genercide against Chinese men,” (Jones, The Nanjing Massacre). Although there are many more horrific events, the rape in Nanking was the event that catches everyone’s attention. The Nanking Massacre had an “estimate of